Iván Carrasco – First Quantum Minerals Benjamín Cebrián - Blast Consult S.L.
Industry challenges Current management chart: pros and cons Fragmentation costs & The value chain Proposed management chart
Energy Lack of skilled labour Decreasing grades Rock hardness WaterOre complexity Grind sizes (liberation) PROJECT SUCCESS
Mine & Milll Traditional arrangement (spatial) Fragmentation Superintendent (Mines Dept.)
Industrial Psychology of Mine and Mill Managers Same company… but different goals. Different approaches… but same ore! A Game of Thrones…
Mine Department Mining Engineer Drilling and Blasting Loading and Hauling Ancillary Services Mine Maintenance Mine Planning
Mill Department Metallurgical, Chemical or Industrial Engineer Crushing Grinding Ancillary Services Mill Maintenance Flotation – LX - SX/EW. Tailings management.
I have accomplished my tonnage goals I have to look after MY costs and MY budget Since I cannot cut on fuel costs, I will cut on explosives costs
The grade you sent is lower than declared You are sending boulders that plug my crusher My steel and kwt/h costs are high and throughput is low
You supply your planned tonnes & grade You give me the monthly metal production And do not forget: keep your costs low, guys…!
Baranov and Tangaev 1990 Process Energy type Energy Consumption kWh/t Energy cost /ton DrillingElectrical0,040,430,00250,027 BlastingChemical0,161,580,060,6 LoadingElectrical0,151,2 0,009 0,076 Crushing and Grinding Electrical12,8933,30,8122,098 Totals 13,2436,510,88352,801 Energy as a project key driver.
Energy consumption.
Energy costs.
Coarse Fragmentation on hard rock mine
D80 vs Primary Crusher Throughput at Aguablanca Nickel Mine (Aden Muñoz et al)
A well managed fragmentation process has significant overall cost-saving potential: Increasing resource recovery. Reducing dilution (increase the grade delivered to the mill). Reducing power consumption at the mill. Increasing mill throughput. Reducing metal losses (fines). Increasing OEE at the crushing plant. This new approach should be incorporated to the Corporates Culture.
General Manager Operations Manager (Earth Moving) Load & Haul Ancillary (Owner or Contractor) Maintenance - Mechanical - Electrical Fragmentation Manager Fragmentation Superintendent - D & B - Crushing & Grinding Technical Dept. Production Planning, Grade Control Process Manager (Mineral concentration) Operations - Flotation or LX/SX/EW - Tailings - Ancillary (water, etc.) Maintenance - Mechanical. - Electrical & Instrumentation
Objectives: To reduce the size of the ore from a bulk in situ mass to fit the bottleneck at the mill. To manage efficiently the overall fragmentation of ore: As a single process Under the same budget Under the same management from the Mine to the Process Plant (flotation, LX or others). To increase the valuable metal recovery A key area to achieve Corporate goals.