European Renaissance and Reformation Day 1
The Renaissance Description What? Revival of art and learning When? 1300-1600 Where? Florence, Italy Why? Middle Ages brought plague and war, the survivors wanted to celebrate life. Educated men and women hoped to bring back the culture of classical Greece and Rome. Led to NEW styles of art and lit. & the importance of the individual
Art Revolutionizes Artists Leonardo da Vinci Painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist Mona Lisa The Last Supper
Day 2
Warm Up March 7 The intellectual and cultural movement known as humanism arose from the study of Medieval scholarship Original Christian writings Classical Greek and Roman culture The contributions of the Tang and Song dynasties
Art Revolutionizes Michelangelo Sculptor, poet, architect; realistic style to portray human body Statue of David Sistine Chapel
Art Revolutionizes Raphael Learned from Michelangelo and Leonardo School of Athens Painted Mic, Leo, and himself
The Renaissance Values Humanism: focused on human potential and achievements Secular: worldly rather than spiritual The Renaissance Man: a man who excelled in many fields (art, literature, athletics, educated, etc.) The Renaissance Woman: upper class women were expected to be educated and charming as well
Day 3
Humanism Humanism – an intellectual movement of the Renaissance based on the study of the grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, and history Petrarch – father of Italian Renaissance humanism Dante – Divine Comedy Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise
Art Revolutionizes Literature changes Vernacular: native language Machiavelli: famous author, The Prince How to gain and keep power Imperfect conduct of people Most are selfish, fickle, and corrupt Prince must be strong and shrewd
Northern Renaissance Renaissance Spreads North 1494, French king claimed throne in Naples, war erupts. Renaissance writers and artists fled North and took their ideas with them Da Vinci invited to retire in France and hired to paint king’s palace
Elizabethan Age Renaissance in England Queen Elizabeth reigned 1558-1603 Very well educated, spoke French, Italian, Latin, Greek; wrote poetry and music Huge supporter of art and lit
Northern Renaissance William Shakespeare: most famous writer of Elizabethan Age Regarded as greatest playwright of all time Works display masterful command of the English language and a deep understanding of human nature Macbeth, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, A Midsummer’s Night Dream
Day 4
Printing Press Johann Gutenberg 1440; developed printing press that incorporated new technologies; made it possible to produce books quickly and cheaply Produce hundreds of copies Went from producing 1 book in 5 months, to producing 500 books in 5 months Perhaps the most important invention of all time!!
Day 5
The Reformation Causes Renaissance emphasized secular beliefs (printing press spread these ideas) Northern merchants resented paying church taxes in Rome Critics claimed church leaders were corrupt (Popes patronized the arts, spent extravagantly on personal pleasure, and fought wars) Indulgences
Northern Renaissance Northern writers try to reform society Christian Humanists: wanted to reform society and the Catholic Church; encourage people to live a Christian life Promoted the education of women and founded schools attended by both girls and boys Thomas More: Utopia; tried to show a better model of society Desiderius Ersmus – “the philosophy of Christ” – Christians should lead by example Wanted to reform the Church not break away
Reformation Martin Luther’s role Justification - Saved not by good works but by faith in God Oct 31, 1517 Johann Tetzel; sold indulgences: a pardon 95 Thesis posted on church door; someone copied it in printer and ML became known all over Germany The 95 Thesis: Formal statements attacking the “pardon-merchants” Reformation: a movement of religious reform
Reformation Luther’s Teachings People could win salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness (catholic church taught faith and “good works”) All Church teachings should be clearly based on the bible (Pope and Church were false authorities) All people with faith were equal (people didn’t need priests to interpret the bible for them)
Reformation Response to Luther Followers became known as Lutherans Pope excommunicated Luther Emperor declared Luther an outlaw and ordered his books banned – Edict of Worms Luther returned to Germany and found his ideas in practice… Lutherans: separate religious group that followed Luther Followers became known as Lutherans First Protestant Faith
Calvinism Emerges Calvinism - Religion based on John Calvin’s teachings Calvin tweaks Luther’s ideas Believed that men and women sinful by nature Predestination: God knows beforehand which people will be saved (remember that Luther said humans can earn salvation)
Calvinism Emerges Calvinism spreads John Knox takes ideas to Scotland Presbyterians: followers of Knox Becomes Scotland’s official religion Get rid of Mary Queen of Scots, lets son James rule Swiss, Dutch, and French reformers adopt Calvinist organization and today trace roots to Calvin
Other Protestant Reforms The Anabaptists “baptize again” Only baptized people who were old enough to decide for themselves to be Christian Said church and state should be separate; refused to fight wars Persecuted by both Catholics and Protestants as radicals Became Mennonites and Amish; influenced Quakers and Baptists who split from Anglican church
Day 6
Protestants Form England becomes protestant Henry VIII wants son, divorce (set aside); The annulment was denied. 1529 called Reformation Parliament: ends Pope’s power in England Act of Supremacy, 1534: Henry, not pope, is head of England and church 1559: Anglican Church (Church of England) formed by Elizabeth
Henry VIII timeline 1509 Henry VIII becomes king of England; marries Catherine of Argon 1516 daughter Mary is born 1527 Henry asks the pope to end his first marriage; pope refuses 1529 Henry summons Reformation Parliament 1531 parliament recognizes Henry as head of Church
Henry VIII timeline (cont’d) 1534 Act of Supremacy 1534 Henry divorces Catherine, marries Anne Boleyn; daughter Elizabeth is born 1536 Anne Boleyn is beheaded 1537 Henry marries Jane Seymour, son Edward is born, Jane dies of complications 1540-1542 Henry divorces new wife Anne of Cleves, executes his 5th wife: Catherine Howard
Henry VIII timeline (cont’d) 1547 Henry dies; 6th wife Catherine Parr outlives him; Edward VI begins 6 yr rule; Protestants strong 1553 Mary I (bloody Mary) begins rule and restores the Catholic Church 1558 Elizabeth I begins rule; restores Protestant church (Anglican Church)
Protestants Form Religious Turmoil Edward VI reigns; advisors run things and make England very Protestant Mary I reigns; forces England to be Catholic, kills those who oppose (bloody Mary) Elizabeth I reigns; returns Protestantism; sets up Anglican church (Church of England)—only legal church in England
Protestants Form To Please Protestants: Priests allowed to marry Sermons in English (not Latin) This brought religious peace to England To Please Catholics: Kept some trappings of the Catholic service like rich robes Services revised to be more acceptable
Day 7
Catholic Reforms Catholic Reformation (Counter Reformation) Efforts to reform and renew Catholic church from within Jesuits Reforming of Popes Council of Trent Millions remained loyal to Catholicism; reform from within
Catholic Reforms Jesuits Created Followers of Ignatius of Loyola; Society of Jesus 3 main activities: Founded schools Convert non-Christians to Catholicism Stop spread of Protestantism (worked well in Southern Germany and Poland)
Catholic Reforms Reforming Popes Council of Trent: most important reform Meeting of Catholic leaders to rule on doctrines criticized by the Protestant reformers Church’s interpretation of bible final; anyone with own interpretation was heretic Need faith and good works for salvation Bible and Church tradition equally powerful authorities Indulgences were valid expressions of faith; false selling of indulgences banned Next pope carried out council’s decrees and made list of dangerous books (Index of Forbidden Books) Bishops ordered to burn these books; included Protestant bibles
Legacy of Reformation *Ended religious unity in Europe* Religious and Social Effects Protestant churches flourished Catholic church more unified (Council of Trent) Led to schools and colleges Political Effects Monarchs gained power Laid groundwork for Enlightenment
Splits in the Christian Church