U1C1 Beginnings of America Beginnings-1763 U.S. History
Main Ideas Diverse cultures existed in the Americas, Europe, and Africa before 1600. Spain began colonizing America, and later, England built a diverse group of colonies on the Atlantic seaboard. The American colonies developed politically, culturally, and economically.
Essential Question What diverse cultures lived in, colonized, and ruled the Americas during this time period (Beginnings-1763)? Mesoamerica: Olmec, Maya, Aztec-farmed, built pyramids, had number and writing systems North America: Anasazi, Hohokam, Mound Builders, Mississippians-farmed, built housing and shelters, towns
The World before 1600 Between 12,000 & 40,000 years ago, scholars agree that nomadic hunters migrated from Siberia to Alaska over an Ice Age land bridge known as Beringia Agricultural revolution occurred about 7,000 years ago-dramatic lifestyle change Olmec (1200 BC), Maya (400 BC), and Aztec (1400s) built empires in Mesoamerica (Mexico) Hohokam, Anasazi, Mississippians in North America. California- many hunter/gatherer groups developed because animals/plants available year round scientists disagree on when and how the first Americans arrived however Olmec influenced later cultures, Maya built pyramids, developed writing & number system (0), Aztec – militaristic formed large empire...Tenochtitlan Aztec capital (Mexico City) Hohokam-irrigation, Anasazi-adobe, Mississippians-farming
European Exploration Middle Ages-500-1500: period of lawlessness; gave birth to nation-states, led to countries with kings. Crusades-1096-1291: opened European eyes to new lands and people Magna Carta-1215: limited power of kings Renaissance: French for “rebirth” scholars, artists, scientists Reformation: 1517 Martin Luther, Protestants Christopher Columbus:1492, Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria landed in Bahamas, thought it was in Indies in Asia Columbian Exchange: exchange of European and American food and animals; smallpox & measles wipe out Native Americans Middle ages Magna Carta Renaissance Reformatin
European Colonies in America Spanish goal was “God, gold, glory;” explorers in the Americas: Juan Ponce de Leon: Florida Hernan Cortes: conquered Aztecs in 1521 Hernando de Soto: Mississippi R. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado: Grand Canyon Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo: San Diego English: Explorers: John Cabot & Francis Drake Defeat of Spanish Armada led to English colonization
European Colonies in America Encomienda System: Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, mixed Spanish/African, Africans, Indians The English in Virginia: fled Europe seeking profit, 1587-Roanoke, 1607-Jamestown: tobacco major crop, John Rolfe & Pocahantas, 1619- House of Burgesses, first law making body or legislature The Northern Colonies: fled Europe for religious freedom, 1620 Puritan separatists sailed Mayflower for Massachusetts, survived because of Wampanoag Indians. Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire The Middle and Southern Colonies: proprietary colonies of King Charles II, New York, New Jersey, Carolina, Pennsylvania (Quakers), Maryland (Catholics), Georgia
Colonial Life The Beginning of Self-Government: rising tensions were related to- mercantilism, the Navigation Acts, role of royal governors The Colonial Economy: north: commerce-based economy, seafaring, triangular trade. south: agricultural economy (plantation system) relying on Middle Passage for slaves America’s Emerging Culture: The Enlightenment: John Locke- “life, liberty and property, Baron de Montesquieu-divided governmental powers. The Great Awakening- colonial religious revival led to redefining relationship with G.B. The French and Indian War: 1754-1763-Britain gained Canada and U.S. to Mississippi R. Enlightenment: used logic and reason, the tools of science to improve society, law, government