Easter is a moveable feast, meaning it is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. The First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the northern hemisphere's vernal equinox.[10] Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on 21 March (even though the equinox occurs, astronomically speaking, on 20 March in most years), and the "Full Moon" is not necessarily the astronomically correct date. The date of Easter therefore varies between 22 March and 25 April. Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian calendar whose 21 March corresponds, during the 21st century, to 3 April in the Gregorian calendar, in which the celebration of Easter therefore varies between 4 April and 8 May.
Easter is one of the most significant holidays in the Bulgarian calendar. Starting with Palm Sunday, the holy week leads up to the Great Day. In the country, the festival is popularly known as "Velikden", which literally means 'the faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ'. Easter traditions in Bulgaria are a derivative of the Eastern Orthodox Church rituals. In tune with worldwide Orthodox traditions, bright red colored eggs and Easter breads known as "kolache" or "kozunak" are the prominent symbols of Easter in Bulgaria. In the article, explore all about the traditions and celebrations of Easter in Bulgaria.
Easter Bread This loaf was baked to be large enough to be shared by the whole family. The top of the Bulgarian Easter bread was embedded with red and white eggs – white eggs represented male members of the household and red eggs represented the female members. Before being consumed to break the Lenten fast, red eggs were blessed at church, and eggs may have been cracked on its walls. Men and women, as in other Eastern European countries, cracked the tips of eggs together, much like Westerners may break a wishbone to see who is destined to have better luck.
Easter Egg Customs Red eggs were buried in fields to prevent hail, and their shells were fed to livestock and glued to the ceilings and walls of the house for protection. People who died on Easter were buried with red eggs, and those who suffered from boils were given red eggs to rub on their skin. Children’s faces were touched with eggs in order to ensure future prosperity. The eggs are cracked after the midnight service and during the next days. One egg is cracked on the wall of the church (and this is the first egg eaten after the long Great Fast). The ritual of cracking the eggs takes place before the Easter lunch. People take turns tapping the eggs together and the person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of good luck.
The traditional Orthodox Paschal greeting is: "Christ is Risen The traditional Orthodox Paschal greeting is: "Christ is Risen!" The answer is: "Indeed He is Risen". This is the greeting during 40 days after Pascha. These greetings are also exchanged during the tapping of the eggs, mentioned above: They are repeated 3 times and the actual tapping is after that. t
Congregation At midnight on the Saturday before Easter Sunday, people in Bulgaria gather at church, with red painted eggs and bread. The priest proclaims three times "Christos Voskrese" (Christ has risen) and the congregation replies "Vo istina voskrese" (Indeed he has risen). One of the Easter breads is specially decorated with one or more (but an odd number) of red eggs. After a special sequence of services, the clergy blesses the breads and eggs brought by the people.
Good Luck Crack The Bulgarian 'good luck crack' is a unique Easter tradition in Bulgaria. Eggs are cracked after the midnight service and over the next few days, during the festive season of Easter. On Easter, the eggs are cracked before lunch. The egg that is cracked on the wall of the church is the first egg that people eat after the long fast of Lent. People take turns in tapping their eggs against the eggs of others, and the person who ends up with the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year of good luck. He/she is considered as the most successful, healthy and happy person for the rest of the year.
Easter Presents The tradition of presenting Easter eggs to loved ones is a tradition followed since ages, in Bulgaria. According to the tradition, in days preceding Easter, Christian families send a loaf of bread and 10-15 red eggs as gifts to their Turkish friends. The person, who delivers the eggs, usually receives money in return. Such breads and eggs are presented not only to the Turkish friends, but also to the Spiritual parents, to the biological parents and to the near and dear, including relatives and friends.
Traditional Easter Feast Bulgarian Easter is believed to be incomplete without the traditional recipes, indigenous to the country. The traditional Easter recipes served on the festival in Bulgaria include 'Banitsa' (Bulgarian pastry), 'Palachinki' (a type of pancake), 'Baklava', 'Wine Kebap'. The traditional recipes are prepared and served on the Easter Sunday. The entire family takes part in the feast. Friend and far away acquaintances are also often called upon to join in the feast.
Изготвил : Даниела Михайлова -2012/2013