Net change in blood pressure with soybean protein vs control supplements after 12 weeks End point Net change with soy supplements vs control (95% CI) p Net change in systolic BP (mm Hg) -4.31 (-2.11 to -6.51) <0.001 Net change in diastolic BP (mm Hg) -2.76 (-1.35 to -4.16) He J et al. Ann Intern Med 2005; 143:1-9.
Net change in blood pressure with soybean protein vs control supplements after 12 weeks in normo- vs hypertensive subjects End point Normotensive (95%CI) Hypertensive (95% CI) Net change in systolic BP (mm Hg) -2.34 (0.48 to -5.17) -7.88 (-4.66 to -11.1) Net change in diastolic BP (mm Hg) -1.28 (0.52 to -3.07) -5.27 (-3.05 to -7.49) He J et al. Ann Intern Med 2005; 143:1-9.