By: Matt Grebner and Andrew Rohrbach Fort Sumter Battle By: Matt Grebner and Andrew Rohrbach
Battle Facts General- P.G.T Beauregard Confederate Union General- P.G.T Beauregard The Confederate was in the South 500 Confederate soldiers No soldiers were killed Ended up winning the fight General- Major Robert Anderson The Union was located in the North 80 Union soldiers No soldiers were killed Robert Anderson surrendered
Battle Facts Battle went from April 12-14, 1861 The battle was located at Fort Sumter It was originally constructed in 1829 The battle was the first shots of the Civil War. Lincoln announced plans to resupply the fort causing Confederate General P.G.T Beauregard to bombard Fort Sumter. South Carolina succeeded from the Union in 1860 on December, 26.
Battle Facts April 11th General Beauregard dispatched asides to Anderson to demand the fort’s surrender (Anderson refused) Next morning, the Confederates opened fire on the fort and continued for 34 hours Anderson was conservative and didn’t fire back for the first two hours do to low ammunition On Saturday, April 13th, Anderson surrendered the Fort No soldiers were killed in battle Anderson the next day performed a 100 gun-salute before he and his men evacuated the fort the next day The salute was cut short to 50 guns due to an accidental explosion killing one of the gunners, and wounding another When they returned to the North they were greeted as heroes
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