F&B Service Training International FBSTI PERSONAL DETAILS (Uppercase letters) Family Name (as on passport) First Name (Given Name) English Name (If applicable) Male / Female Date of Birth (Town/Country) Marital Status Identification Number / Passport Number Nationality Phone E-mail Address Address (1) Street and No Postal Code/Town Country (1): Your permanent address where we can reach you, such as parental address
F&B Service Training International FBSTI FAMILY DETAILS (Uppercase letters) Name of Father Name of Mother Father’s Occupation Mother’s Occupation Are they from the hospitality industry? Name/Town (2) Other Comments (2): If your parents are from hospitality industry, please write the name of the establishment and the place where it is located. LANGUAGES (Uppercase letters) Mother Tongue Level of English Poor/Average/Good How many years did you study or practice English? Other fluent languages
LAST ATTENDED SCHOOLS EMPLOYMENT (IF ANY) Employer Place and Location Level Schools (Names and Address) Dates From / To Achievements (Certificates/Diploma,…) EMPLOYMENT (IF ANY) Employer Place and Location From / To Achieved Level, Position Swiss Higher Diploma | Enrolment Form
MOTIVATION OF YOUR APPLICATION Why do you want to partake in a course of catering service ? Why did you choose to apply to F&B Service Training International ? How where you introduces to our Swiss management institute ? ENCLOSURES Please enclose the following documents with this enrolment form filled and signed: . Curriculum vitae (resumé) . Work certificates (if any) . Copy of a valid passport or Identification card . 2 passport sized pictures (one of your face, one of your whole person) FBSTI SWITZERLAND
Swiss Higher Diploma | Enrolment Form
ENROLMENT PROCEDURES 1) Complete the present enrolment form with all documents required and send them by email to your agent, to our university partner or directly to our admission office ( 2) After a couple of days, you will receive an acceptation letter of enrolment and the invoice for deposit to be paid within 5 open days by bank transfer. 3) Payment of the deposit (deductible from the tuition fees) by bank transfer to the following bank account: In Dollars: $ Bank: BCN, Banque Cantonale Neuchâteloise, Place Pury 4, CH-2001 Neuchâtel Acc name: F&B Service Training International (FBSTI), Cargouet Acc: 1030.62.47.2 IBAN: CH33 0076 6000 1030 6247 2 Swift: BCNNCH22 In Swiss Francs: CHF Acc: 1030.62.45.2 IBAN: CH88 0076 6000 1030 6245 2 In reference section of the transfer, please enter the first letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name following by your date of birth and ended by the letters of where the course is taking place. (Ex: Miss Vanessa Turkov born the 20th March 1998, taking the course in Thailand: reference to add on the bank transfer: VT20031998TH) 4) Payment to be made in US Dollars or in Swiss Francs, transfer cost at your expense. Exchange rate will be provided on invoices. Receipt of payment to be send by email to 5) As soon as payment of the deposit has been received, you will get a confirmation letter from FBSTI with further information to start the course. You will also receive the invoice for the remaining tuition fees to be paid in cash on demand and after agreement the first day of the course or by bank transfer at least 2 weeks before the beginning of the course. Without payment of the remaining tuition fees you will not get access to the classroom. FBSTI SWITZERLAND
REQUIREMENT FOR THE INTERNSHIP REQUIREMENT FOR THE COURSE Participant certifies being at least 18 and maximum 30 years of age. Participant certifies to have no criminal record. Participant certifies to speak and understand English in a good manner (level B1 on the European framework required). Participant agrees to provide all documents requested by FBSTI internship coordinator and by embassies in a timely manner. Participant certifies being at least 17 years old. Participant certifies being able to speak and understand English in a good manner (level B1 on the European framework required). Participant agrees to have a laptop, be in good physical condition and dress professionally and smart at all times. Participant agrees to respect the equipment, the institute and the persons (lecturers and members of the institute) at all times. Participant agrees to study according to the requirements, be present in all classes and to be on time (By not doing so, participant will be penalized on the result of his/her examination). COURSE & EXAMINATIONS Course: This advance course is 240 hours (50 hours of theory, 150 hours of practice and 40 hours of group work). Examinations: (To pass, participant must gain an overall of at least 70% in all exams). Swiss Higher Diploma of Restaurant and F&B operation Management accredited and certified by “Swiss Education” and “The American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute”. Retake US$150 per attempt. Examination: on going + practical exam 2 hours. Certificate of Food Hygiene level 2, certified “CPD” and HACCP (Mandatory to work in the catering industry). Retake UD$100 per attempt. Examination: 2 hours written exam. IMPORTANT: This certificate is now compulsory for all people working or wanted to work within the restaurant industry and food service. Swiss Advanced Certificate of Customer Care and Communication Management, accredited and certified by “Swiss Education” Retake UD$150. Examination: written exam 2 hours. Swiss Higher Diploma | Enrolment Form
CANCELLETION & REFUND POLICY (1) Before the beginning of the course: If participants cancel 8 weeks or more before the beginning of the course they are entitled to a full refund of the school fees minus US$500 which will be a kept as a lump sum indemnity according to the article 160 of the Swiss Obligations’ Code. If a participant cancels 4 to 8 weeks before the beginning of the course they are entitled to a refund of 50% of the amount paid. The remaining is kept as lump sum indemnity. If a participant cancels 4 weeks or less before the beginning of the course the full deposit paid will be kept as a lump sum indemnity. See “exceptions” During the course: If a participant cancels during the course the full fees paid for that particular course will be kept as a lump sum indemnity. See “exceptions”. Exceptions: If a participant requesting a visa to come to the course and cancels before the beginning of the course for visa refusal reasons (proof is required and will be checked with the embassy) the full school fees paid will be refunded. In case a participant cancels during the course for medical reasons (and confirmed by our medical specialist), the full fees paid, which have not been “consumed”, will be transferred to the next course minus an administrative charge of US$500. If a participant cancels during the course for valid, exceptional, reasons (approved by FBSTI management) and wants to come back at a later intake, the full fees paid, which have not been “consumed”, will be transferred to the next course minus an administrative charge of US$500. This case will be treated as a deferral. Others: If participant signs an internship contract before or during the course then no refund will be made. If participant cannot come for medical or personal reasons then his/her registration will be postponed to the next course available. Expulsion If a participant is expelled for any reason (misbehavior, inappropriate attitude, lack of respect toward people or equipment, use of drugs and alcohol, fighting), no refund will be processed. The full fees paid are kept as lump sum indemnity. Expelled participants are not allowed to pursue their studies within any FBSTI courses. FBSTI SWITZERLAND
CANCELLETION & REFUND POLICY (2) Deferral: If a participant decides to defer their commencement date before the beginning of the course, full school fees paid will be transferred to the next intake. However, the participant will have to pay the new published school fees. If the participant, after deferring his studies decides to cancel, the full school fees paid will be kept as lump sum indemnity. School cancellation: FBSTI will not be deemed responsible or at fault if a course commences late, or fails to occur at all, due to uncontrollable circumstances (Examples; war, riots, earthquake). Other arrangement will be propose to participants or full refund will be made. INTERNSHIP Only participants registered with FBSTI will obtain access to internship from 4 to 12 months (additional charges may occur). FBSTI will assist participants and will put them in contact with FBSTI internship coordinator as soon as registration is made and tuition fees fully paid. As internships are not compulsory, and simply a service provided by FBSTI (for the participants wishing to do an internship), then FBSTI can not be held responsible for any problems referring to the internship process. The Internship process can take a long time and cannot be guaranteed straight after the course, due to visa processing timelines and time of reflexion needed by employers. (Thus the importance to register as soon as possible with FBSTI to start the process without any delay). We provide internships only if the student has proper behavior and providing the documents asked for within the requested timeframe. FBSTI will not provide internship to students who have behaved badly or misconducted during the course, or who would have been the subject of a disciplinary action. Internship places (abroad or locally) depend on visa conditions, requirements, background and are subject to obtaining the visa (Depend also on student’s nationality and is subject to individual eligibility). Students cannot choose a special place or destination without the approval of the internship coordinator and once process is engaged student will not be able to change his/her mind. Some countries may request student to pass an English test. FBSTI will place students in positions in their best interest (financially, learning purpose, and for future opportunities).It is down to student’s responsibility to cover Visa cost and transportation fees if not provided by employers. Swiss Higher Diploma | Enrolment Form
Date and Place Signature APPLICABLE LAW OTHER POINTS DATE & SIGNATURE The legal relationships between FBSTI and the student are governed by Swiss substantive law, to the exclusion of conflict of law provisions thereof. FBSTI also reserves the right to alter fees, and curriculum or class hours without prior notice. Furthermore, FBSTI reserves the right to use images and comments of students for promotional purposes. FBSTI reserves the right to disclose progress reports to the guardian, sponsor or appointed representative when it is considered beneficial to the students progress. DATE & SIGNATURE I hereby certified that all information are correct and that I have read the conditions and agree to them. Date and Place Signature PLEASE RETURN TO: FBSTI F&B SERVICE TRAINING INTERNATIONAL RUE FLEURY 5 2000 NEUCHÂTEL, SWITZERLAND Email: Phone: +41 79 934 69 59 AGENT IN YOUR COUNTRY FBSTI SWITZERLAND