Unit 1I Enlightenment: Political Philosophy and Absolutism EQ: What is the Purpose or Responsibility of Government
Ideas About Life, Humans, and Government Philosopher Thomas Hobbes John Locke Baron De Montesquieu Jean-Jacques Rousseau Ideas About Life, Humans, and Government Social Contract Absolute Monarchy Limited Government Revolution Separation of Powers Checks and Balances Representative Democracy Preferred Direct Democracy Writings Leviathan Two treatises on Gov. Spirit of the Laws Legacy and Influences Absolutism Declaration of Ind. U.S. Constitution French Revolution
Absolutism in France: Louis XIV “Sun King” Ruled from 1643-1715 Banned the Estates-General Overruled the Edict of Nantes Controlled taxes, the military, and business Plunged France into debt by fighting expensive wars against England
The Palace at Versailles
Holy Roman Empire
Absolutism in Germany: Frederick the Great Ruled Prussia from 1740-1786 Strengthened the Army and fought wars of expansion “First Servant of the State” More freedom of speech and religion Would be known as “The Great” because of expansions
Absolutism in Germany: Maria Theresa Ruled from 1740-1780 Member of the Habsburg Dynasty Set up schools and tried to improve the living conditions of the serfs Medieval peasants tied to the land Son Joseph II would take over Freed the serfs and made land taxes equal
HaBsburg Dynasty Under Charles V
Absolutism in Russia: Peter the Great Ruled from 1689-1725 Looked to France rather than England for inspiration Made himself head of the Russian Orthodox Church Reformed the government and brought in experts to “Westernize” Russia Warred against Sweden for access to Baltic sea where he created St. Petersburg the new Russian capital.
Russian Expansion
Absolutism in Russia: Catherine the Great German princess who ruled Russia from 1762-1796 Expanded Russian Territory Influenced by the Enlightenment Attempted to free Serfs but changed mind after a serf revolt Last of Europe’s major absolute monarchs