What’s Wanted & What’s Possible Responding to the Religious and Spiritual Inclinations of Boomers Reginald W. Bibby October 18, 2018 1
The Boomer Backdrop
Boomers have been the key players A NUMBER OF MAJOR SHIFTS… in bringing about A NUMBER OF MAJOR SHIFTS… From Dominance to Diversity: Pluralism From We to Me: Individualism From Deference to Discernment: Input From Obligation to Gratification: Pragmatism From Knowing Too Little to Knowing Too Much: Information 6. From Homes to Careers: Women in Canadian Life
Do these shifts resonate with you
Boomers have been accomplishing much Yet their accomplishments have left many of them a fair distance from paradise
Table 7.15. Fulfillment: 2005 & 2016 “All of us start out life with lots of hopes and dreams. How fulfilled do you feel with respect to your aspirations concerning…” % Indicating “Very Fulfilled” Pre- Boomers Boomers 2005 2005 2016 Children 60% 58 Marriage/relationship 54 43 Family life generally 52 46 Career 38 23 Education 33 29 Finances 24 13 Life as a whole 43 32 What wanted out of life 28 19 51 35 32 16 20 13 22 17 Source: Bibby, The Boomer Factor, 2006:127 and Project Canada 2015-16
What is your take on these findings?
Boomer Religion & Spirituality
The Attendance Situation Weekly Attendance: 1950s and 2005
The United Church Situation National Membership (In 1000s)
“Blame it on the Boomers” Weekly Attendance by Age Cohort: 1975 & 2005 1975 2005 31% Pre-Boomers 37 Boomers 15 Post-Boomers --- 25 37 18 24
TWO PRIMARY FACTORS Cultural: The Boomers Demographic: Changing Immigration Patterns
Sources: Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Countries of Origin: 1871-1961 1871 1901 1931 1961 Britain 60 57 52 44 France 31 31 28 30 Other European 7 8 18 23 Asia <1 <1 1 1 Aboriginal <1 2 1 1 Other 1 2 <1 1 Sources: Dominion Bureau of Statistics.
Immigrant Totals: 2001-2011 (In 1000s) Roman Catholic 478 No Religion 442 Muslim 388 Christian, n.i.e. 162 Hindu 154 Christian Orthodox 108 Sikh 107 Buddhist 62 Pentecostal 41 Anglican 23 Jewish 21 Presbyterian 17 United Church 10 Lutheran 7
Religious Identification in Canada: 2009 & 1931 % of Canadian Population Source: Reginald Bibby, Computed from 1931 Census and 2009 General Social Survey.
Monthly-Plus Attendance by Birthplace & Age: 2015 Source: Bibby-Reid 2015 Religion Survey.
Religion & Birthplace
Are immigrants showing up The… Are immigrants showing up in your churches?
Cultural: The Boomers
THOSE MAJOR SHIFTS… From Dominance to Diversity: Pluralism From We to Me: Individualism From Deference to Discernment: Input From Obligation to Gratification: Pragmatism From Knowing Too Little…: Information 6. From Homes to Careers: Women in Canadian Life Diversity, acceptance Individual needs, interests Questioning, a say in things Co-opting of ideas Time demands, new roles Have to find worthwhile
Source: Bibby, Project Canada 2005. Some Choice Criteria Pre-Bs BBs Post-Bs My parents felt that they were “supposed to go to church” 61% 69 63 54 People who attend religious services should go not because they feel they have to but because they find it to be worthwhile 87 90 87 85 Source: Bibby, Project Canada 2005.
has seen spiritual needs and The Boomer era… has seen spiritual needs and fragmented beliefs and practices persist, along with the desire for rites of passage. But for most Boomers, that’s about it. 22
The… Is that what you find?
The Legacy
Religious ID of Teens: 1984 & 2008 Roman Catholic Outside Quebec Quebec NONE Protestant United Anglican Baptist Lutheran Presbyterian Christian unspecified Other Faiths 1984 2008 50% 32 29 23 21 9 12 32 35 13 10 1 8 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 -- 3 3 16
What’s the situation with children & younger people?
Getting down to specifics Boomer Religion & Spirituality
Boomer Tracking: Religion & Spirituality 1975 1995 2015 <30 30-49 50-69 Religious ID Attendance (Monthly+) Pray privately (Weekly+) Believe in God or Higher Power Have experienced God Believe in life-after-death Have spiritual needs Spirituality very important Religion very/somewhat important 80 26 --- 86 42 88 31 40 80 42 71 54 68 53 83204176 48 65 68 7049
Conceptions of spirituality: extremely varied “Maybe all that people have in common is the word. But maybe that’s enough to at least get conversations started” “Perhaps churches can provide safe places for people to explore spirituality”
The… Thoughts?
Boomer Tracking: Select Personal Needs Concerned “A Great Deal or “Quite A Bit” (%) 2015 2000 1985 50-69 35-54 20-39 Health Your children Money Getting older Should be getting more out of life Time Meaning & purpose of life So many things changing Looks Depression Sex life Loneliness Your marriage/relationship Boredom Job 4848 38 37 35 30 27 25 24 23 22 21 18 47 32 49 26 30 51 25 22 27 19 20 17 40 29 22 23 20 32 49 --- 24 28 26
The… Your take?
“What would make greater involvement worthwhile?” Spirituality Personal Relational
Spiritual Personal Relational
The… Reality? What are you able to bring?
Not Secularization… But Polarization… Religious Not Religious But Polarization…
The… Basics How do make contact? What responses are possible?
“Give ‘em a reason!”