Welcome to my Transition planning Meeting! Student Name
Why we are here
About me!
My work! Use this box to talk about and show accomplishments (ie – pictures and/or videos of you working, projects you’ve completed, etc)
Compliments and concerns? My family input My teacher input IEP team member input
My goals after high school
Transition assessments done (to include any academic and career planning)
My employment goal
My education/training goal
My independent living goal
My self-advocacy goal
Annual goals
Iep details – accommodations and modifications, related services, etc. IEP - Individualized Education Program and why we are here today A plan for my education for next year
Planning my classes
Any agency support?
Goals: Who will do what? (including me )
Thank you for coming to my iep meeting! Any questions or final discussion?
Notes and thoughts This is just one tool to assist you in leading your IEP/PTP. Many other presentation tools and ideas for you: Prezi: https://prezi.com/overview/ Other presentation options: https://elearningindustry.com/the-5-best-free- slideshow-presentation-and-creation-tools-for- teachers iMovie to showcase skills!