Unit Two Vocabulary Week Six
chastise (verb) scold Billy’s mom was forced to chastise him for careless behavior. .
demagogue (noun) rabble-rouser/a leader who incites through emotion instead of intellect
deplore (verb) condemn/regret
detriment (noun) the state of being harmed or damaged Smoking is a detriment to your health.
emanate (verb) issue from A sound seemed to emanate from deep within the woods. Could it be…?
Harbinger (noun) forerunner/omen Some people believe a black cat is a harbinger of bad luck.
intercede (verb) mediate/intervene Mom had to intercede in the fight between my two brothers.
irrevocable (adjective) unalterable If you smoke, you could do irrevocable damage to your health.
obnoxious (adjective) offensive My little brother can be quite obnoxious.
prevaricate (verb) lie You can never trust someone who decides to prevaricate.