HANDGUNS/FIREARMS By Brennon Sapp bsapp.com
Types of Hand Guns Pistols Revolvers Modern design Older style Semi-Automatic Varied safeties Temperamental 10-20 rounds Ejects shells when fired Revolvers Older style Single or double action No safety Rugged 5-8 rounds Retains shells when fired bsapp.com
Revolver Diagram bsapp.com
Pistol Diagrams bsapp.com
Names for Common Handguns 44 22 357 Diameter of the bore from land to land Measured in 100ths of an inch or mm
Down the Barrel As a bullet travels down the barrel of a gun it is twisted by the lands and grooves of the barrel. These lands and grooves are called rifling bsapp.com
Rifling rifling causes the bullet to exit the end of the barrel in a spiral motion; stabilizing the round bsapp.com
Rifling Analogy Throwing a spiral pass in football Rifling is done to increase ACCURACY
Do all guns have rifling? Most weapons do have rifling Shot guns do not Small shotgun pellets would not be affected by rifling