Objectives Vocabulary Distinguish between weathering and erosion. Identify variables that affect the rate of weathering. Vocabulary weathering erosion mechanical weathering frost wedging exfoliation chemical weathering hydrolysis oxidation
Weathering Weathering Changes occur every day to Earth’s rocks and surface features. Weathering is the chemical and physical processes by which rocks on or near Earth’s surface break down and change. Erosion is the removal and transport of weathered material from one location to another.
Mechanical Weathering Mechanical and chemical weathering are the two processes that can wear down rocks and minerals. Both types of weathering occur at the same time on Earth’s landforms. Mechanical weathering, or physical weathering, is the process by which rocks and minerals break down into smaller pieces without changing their composition. Mechanical weathering does not involve any change in a rock’s composition.
Mechanical Weathering Temperature In many places on Earth’s surface, water collects in the cracks of rocks and rock layers. If the temperature drops to the freezing point of water, it freezes, expands, exerts pressure on the rocks, and may cause them to split. When the temperature then increases, the ice in the cracks of rocks and rock layers melts. Frost wedging is the repeated thawing and freezing of water in the cracks of rocks.
Mechanical Weathering Pressure Bedrock at great depths is under pressure from the overlying rock layers. When the overlying rock layers are removed, the pressure on the bedrock below is reduced. The bedrock surface, formerly buried, is then able to expand, and long, curved cracks known as joints can form that lead to exfoliation. Exfoliation is the process by which outer rock layers are stripped away over time. The roots of plants can also exert pressure causing rocks to split.
Weathering Chemical Weathering Chemical weathering is the process by which rocks and minerals undergo changes in their composition as the result of chemical reactions. Significant agents of chemical weathering include water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and acids. Chemical reactions between rocks and water result in the formation of new minerals and the release of dissolved substances. Some minerals, such as calcite, may dissolve completely.
Weathering Chemical Weathering Temperature influences the rate at which chemical reactions occur. Generally, chemical reaction rates increase as temperature increases.
Chemical Weathering Water Water is an important agent in chemical weathering because it can dissolve many kinds of minerals and rocks. Hydrolysis is the chemical reaction of water with other substances.
Chemical Weathering Oxygen Oxidation is the chemical reaction of oxygen with other substances. Iron in rocks and minerals readily combines with this atmospheric oxygen to form minerals with the oxidized form of iron as shown in the following reaction. 2Fe3O4 + ½ O2 ® 3Fe2O3
Chemical Weathering Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide, which is produced by living organisms during the process of respiration, contributes to the chemical weathering process. When carbon dioxide combines with water in the atmosphere, it forms a weak carbonic acid that falls to Earth’s surface as precipitation. H2O + CO2 ® H2CO3 Carbonic acid reacts with minerals such as calcite in limestone and marble to dissolve rocks and can also affect silicate minerals such as mica and feldspar.
Chemical Weathering Acid Precipitation Acid precipitation is caused mainly by the oxidation of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that are released into the atmosphere by human activities. These two gases combine with oxygen and water in the atmosphere to form sulfuric and nitric acids. Acid precipitation is precipitation that has a pH value below 5.6, the pH of normal rainfall.
Chemical Weathering Acid Precipitation Acid precipitation adversely affects fish and aquatic plant populations in lakes. When lake water becomes too acidic, the species diversity decreases.
Weathering Chemical Weathering Acid Precipitation
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? The natural weathering of Earth materials occurs very slowly. Certain conditions and interactions can accelerate or slow the weathering process.
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? Climate The climate of an area—including precipitation, temperature, and evaporation—is a major influence on the rate of chemical weathering. The interaction between temperature and precipitation has the greatest effect on a region’s rate of weathering. Chemical weathering occurs readily in climates with warm temperatures, abundant rainfall, and lush vegetation.
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? Climate
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? Climate Physical weathering occurs readily in cool, dry climates. Physical weathering rates are highest in areas where water undergoes repeated freezing and thawing. Because of these differences in their climates, rocks and minerals in Asheville experience a higher rate of mechanical and chemical weathering than those in Phoenix do.
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? Climate There is a higher rate of mechanical and chemical weathering in Asheville than in Phoenix.
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? Rock Type and Composition The characteristics of rocks, including how hard or resistant they are to being broken down, depend on their type and composition. In general, sedimentary rocks are more easily weathered than harder igneous and metamorphic rocks.
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? Surface Area Mechanical weathering breaks up rocks into smaller pieces. As the pieces get smaller, their surface area increases. The greater the total surface area, the more weathering that occurs.
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? Surface Area
What Affects the Rate of Weathering? Topography and Other Variables Earth materials on level areas are likely to remain in place as they undergo changes. Materials on slopes have a greater tendency to move as a result of gravity, thereby exposing underlying rock surfaces and thus providing more opportunities for weathering to occur. Decaying organic matter and living plant roots release carbon dioxide, which combines with water to produce acid, which in turn increases the weathering rate.
Weathering Section Assessment 1. Match the following terms with their definitions. ___ weathering ___ frost wedging ___ exfoliation ___ hydrolysis A C B D A. the process by which rocks on Earth’s surface break down and change B. the process by which outer rock layers are stripped away C. the repeated freezing and thawing of water in the cracks of rocks D. the reaction of water with other substances FL: SC.B.1.4.1, SC.D.1.4.1
Weathering Section Assessment 2. What is the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering in relation to rock composition? Mechanical weathering does not involve any change in a rock’s composition. Chemical weathering is the process in which rocks undergo changes in their composition. FL: SC.B.1.4.1
Weathering Section Assessment 3. Identify whether the following statements are true or false. ________ Acid precipitation has a pH lower than 5.6. ________ Hydrolysis can result in the formation of clay minerals. ________ The highest rate of chemical weathering occurs in higher latitudes. ________ Trees can play a part in physical weathering. ________ Iron is not affected by oxidation. true false FL: SC.B.1.4.1
End of Section 1
Objectives Vocabulary Erosion and Deposition Objectives Analyze the impact of living and nonliving things on the processes of weathering and erosion. Describe the relationship of gravity to all agents of erosion. Vocabulary deposition rill erosion gully erosion
Erosion and Deposition Erosion is the process that transports Earth materials from one place to another. A number of different agents transport weathered materials on Earth including water and wind. Erosion can result from the loss of plant cover, which increases the amount of soil lost to wind and water erosion. Deposition is the process of dropping materials in another location when the movement of transported materials slows down.
Gravity’s Role in Erosion Erosion and Deposition Gravity’s Role in Erosion Gravity is associated with many erosional agents, because the force of gravity tends to pull all materials downslope. Without gravity, glaciers would not move downslope and streams would not flow.
Erosion by Running Water Erosion and Deposition Erosion by Running Water With few exceptions, water has more power to move large particles of weathered material than wind does. Stream erosion is greatest when a large volume of water is moving rapidly. Swiftly flowing water can carry material over a greater distance. Small streams at high elevations flow down to join larger streams at lower elevations draining an area called a watershed.
Erosion by Running Water Erosion and Deposition Erosion by Running Water Rill erosion is the erosion by running water in small channels, on the side of a slope. Rills commonly form on a slope. Gully erosion is when a rill channel evolves to become deep and wide. Gullies, which can be more than 3 m deep, can be a major problem in farming and grazing areas.
Erosion by Running Water Erosion and Deposition Erosion by Running Water Coastal Deposition and Erosion Each year, streams and rivers carry billions of metric tons of sediments to coastal areas. When a river enters a large body of water, the water slows down and deposits large amounts of sediments which form deltas. The volume of river flow and the action of tides determine the shapes of deltas, most of which contain fertile soil.
Erosion by Running Water Erosion and Deposition Erosion by Running Water Coastal Deposition and Erosion Ocean currents, waves, and tides carve out cliffs, arches, and other features along the continents’ edges. The constant movement of water and the availability of accumulated weathered material result in a continuous erosional process, especially along ocean shorelines. Sand along a shoreline is repeatedly picked up, moved, and deposited by ocean currents. Sandbars form from offshore sand deposits and can become barrier islands.
Erosion by Running Water Erosion and Deposition Erosion by Running Water Coastal Deposition and Erosion Changing tides and conditions associated with coastal storms can have a great impact on coastal erosion. Human development and population growth along shorelines have led to attempts to control the ocean’s movements of sand. Efforts to keep the sand on one beachfront disrupt the natural migration of sand along the shore, thereby depleting sand from another area.
Erosion and Deposition Glacial Erosion Although glaciers currently cover less than ten percent of Earth’s surface, their erosional effects are large-scale and dramatic. Because they are so dense, glaciers have the capacity to carry huge rocks and piles of debris over great distances. The erosional effects of glaciers also include deposition.
Erosion and Deposition Wind Erosion Wind is a major erosional agent in areas on Earth that experience both limited precipitation and high temperatures. The abrasive action of wind-blown particles can damage both natural features and human-made structures. Shore areas also experience wind erosion. Wind erosion is relatively insignificant when compared to the erosion accomplished by running water and glacial activity.
Wind Erosion Wind Barriers Erosion and Deposition Wind Erosion Wind Barriers Planting wind barriers, or windbreaks, is one farming method that reduces the effects of wind erosion. Wind barriers are trees or other vegetation planted perpendicular to the direction of the wind. In addition to reducing soil erosion, wind barriers can trap blowing snow, conserve moisture, and protect crops from the effects of the wind.
Erosion by Plants, Animals, And Humans Erosion and Deposition Erosion by Plants, Animals, And Humans As plants and animals carry on their life processes, they move Earth’s surface materials from one place to another. The effects of erosion by the activities of plants, animals, and humans are minimal in comparison to the erosional effects of water, wind, and glaciers.
Erosion and Deposition Section Assessment 1. Match the following terms with their definitions. ___ deposition ___ rill erosion ___ gully erosion ___ wind barrier C A D B A. erosion by running water in small channels B. trees or other vegetation planted perpendicular to the direction of the wind C. the process of dropping materials in another location D. a deep and wide channel caused by the erosive action of water FL: SC.B.1.4.1
Erosion and Deposition Section Assessment 2. What is a side effect of human attempts to control the ocean’s movement of sand? Efforts to keep the sand on one beachfront disrupt the natural migration of sand along the shore, thereby depleting sand from another area. FL: SC.G.2.4.6
Section Assessment 3. Is erosion always affected by gravity? Why? Erosion and Deposition Section Assessment 3. Is erosion always affected by gravity? Why? Erosion is not always affected by gravity. Gravity affects most process of erosion by pulling an agent of erosion, such as running water or glaciers, downhill. Winds can blow against the force of gravity and easily move material uphill. FL: SC.B.1.4.1
End of Section 2
Objectives Vocabulary Describe how soil forms. Formation of Soil Objectives Describe how soil forms. Explain the relationship between the organic and inorganic components of soil. Identify soil characteristics. Recognize soil horizons in a soil profile. Vocabulary soil residual soil transported soil soil profile soil horizon
Formation of Soil Soil is essential to life on Earth. Humans and other organisms are dependent on plants, which grow in soil, for food and other basic needs.
Formation of Soil Development of Soil Except for some steep mountain slopes and extremely cold regions, soil is found almost everywhere on Earth’s surface. Soil is the loose covering of broken rock particles and decaying organic matter, called humus, overlying the bedrock of Earth’s surface. Soil is the result of chemical and mechanical weathering and biological activity over long periods of time. While all soils contain some organic matter, the amount varies widely among different types of soil.
Formation of Soil Soil Composition Soil forms in layers during the process of its development. The parent rock is the solid bedrock from which weathered pieces of rock first break off. The smallest pieces of weathered rock, along with living and dead organisms, remain in the very top layer. Rainwater seeps through this top layer of materials, dissolves soluble minerals, and carries them into the lower layers of the soil.
Formation of Soil Soil Composition Residual soil is soil located above its parent bedrock. Transported soil is soil that has been moved to a location away from its parent bedrock by agents of erosion, such as running water, wind, and glaciers. The parent bedrock determines what kinds of minerals a soil contains. The parent rock and climatic conditions of an area determine the length of time it takes for soil to form.
Soil Profiles A soil profile is the vertical sequence of soil layers. Formation of Soil Soil Profiles A soil profile is the vertical sequence of soil layers. A soil horizon is a distinct layer, or zone, within a soil profile. There are three major soil horizons: A, B, and C. Horizon A contains high concentrations of organic matter and humus. Horizon B contains subsoils that are enriched with clay minerals. Horizon C, below horizon B and directly above solid bedrock, contains weathered parent material.
Soil Profiles Topography Formation of Soil Soil Profiles Topography The topography of a region affects the thickness of developing soil. Soils on slopes tend to be thin, coarse, and infertile. Soils formed in lower areas, such as in valleys, are thick and fertile.
Formation of Soil Soil Types Because climatic conditions are the main influence on soil development, soils are often classified based on the climates in which they form. The four major types of soil are polar, temperate, desert, and tropical.
Formation of Soil Soil Types
Formation of Soil Soil Types Polar Soils Polar soils form at high latitudes and high elevations in places such as Greenland, Canada, and Antarctica. These soils have good drainage but no distinct horizons because they are very shallow, sometimes only a few centimeters deep. Permanently frozen ground, called permafrost, is often present under thin polar soils.
Soil Types Temperate Soils Formation of Soil Soil Types Temperate Soils Temperate soils vary greatly and are able to support such diverse environments as forests, grasslands, and prairies. The specific amount of rainfall in an area determines the type of vegetation that will grow in temperate soils. Grasslands, which have an abundance of humus, are characterized by rich, fertile, soils. Forest soils are characterized by less deep and less fertile soils that contain aluminum-rich clays and iron oxides.
Soil Types Desert Soils Deserts receive low levels of precipitation. Formation of Soil Soil Types Desert Soils Deserts receive low levels of precipitation. Desert soils often have a high level of accumulated salts and can support only a limited amount of vegetation. Desert soils have little or no organic matter and a very thin A horizon, but they often have abundant nutrients. Desert soils are also light-colored, coarse, and may contain salts and gypsum.
Soil Types Tropical Soils Formation of Soil Soil Types Tropical Soils Tropical areas experience high temperatures and heavy rainfall, leading to the development of intensely weathered and often infertile soil. The intense weathering combined with a high degree of bacterial activity leave tropical soils with very little humus and very few nutrients. These soils experience much leaching of soluble materials, such as calcite and silica, but they have high concentrations of iron and aluminum.
Formation of Soil Soil Textures Particles of soil are classified according to size as being clay, silt, or sand, with clay being the smallest and sand being the largest. The relative proportions of these particle sizes determine a soil’s texture. The texture of a soil affects its capacity to retain moisture and therefore its ability to support plant growth.
Formation of Soil Soil Textures
Formation of Soil Soil Fertility Soil fertility is the measure of how well a soil can support the growth of plants. Factors that affect soil fertility include: Availability of minerals and nutrients Number of microorganisms present Amount of precipitation available Topography Level of acidity
Soil Fertility Soil Color Formation of Soil Soil Fertility Soil Color A soil’s composition and the climate in which it develops are the main factors that determine a soil’s color. Topsoil is usually dark-colored because it is rich in humus. Red and yellow soils may be the result of oxidation of iron minerals. Yellow soils are usually poorly drained and are often associated with environmental problems. Grayish or bluish soils are common in poorly drained regions where soils are constantly wet and lack oxygen.
Formation of Soil Section Assessment 1. Match the following terms with their definitions. ___ residual soil ___ transported soil ___ soil profile ___ soil horizon B D A C A. the vertical sequence of soil layers B. soil located above its parent material C. a distinct layer, or zone, within the vertical sequence of soil layers D. soil that has been moved to a location away from its parent bedrock FL: SC.B.1.4.1
Formation of Soil Section Assessment 2. Match the soil type with the appropriate characteristics. ___ polar soils ___ temperate soils ___ desert soils ___ tropical soils C A D B A. supports diverse environments; abundant humus B. intensely weathered; often infertile C. good drainage; no distinct horizons D. high level of accumulated salts; abundant nutrients
Formation of Soil Section Assessment 3. What differences would you expect to find between soil profiles taken from a slope and a valley floor? Soils on slopes tend to be thin, course, and infertile, whereas soils formed in valleys tend to be thick and fertile. FL: SC.D.1.4.3
End of Section 3
Chapter Resources Menu Study Guide Section 7.1 Section 7.2 Section 7.3 Chapter Assessment Image Bank Chapter Resources Menu
Section 7.1 Study Guide Section 7.1 Main Ideas The process of weathering breaks down Earth materials. Chemical weathering results in a change in the composition of a rock, whereas mechanical weathering results only in a change in a rock’s size and shape. Temperature and pressure are major factors in the process of mechanical weathering. Changes in temperature can cause rocks to split. In chemical weathering, chemical reactions between rocks and water result in the formation of new minerals and the release of dissolved substances. The new minerals have different properties from those of the original rocks.
Section 7.2 Study Guide Section 7.2 Main Ideas Erosion is the process that moves weathered pieces of rock to new locations. Agents of erosion include moving water in streams and oceans, glaciers, wind, and gravity. Gravity is the driving force behind all agents of erosion.
Section 7.3 Study Guide Section 7.3 Main Ideas Soil consists of weathered rock and humus, which is decayed organic matter in soil. Soil is residual or transported. Residual soil remains on top of its parent bedrock. Transported soil is moved to a location away from its parent bedrock by water, wind, or a glacier. A soil profile has horizons A, B, and C. Topsoil is located in horizon A, subsoil is in horizon B, and horizon C contains weathered rock from the bedrock. Characteristics of soil include texture, fertility, and color. Parent rock and environmental conditions determine a soil’s composition.
Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 1. What is the process by which rocks and mineral break down into smaller pieces called? a. hydrolysis c. deposition b. mechanical d. chemical weathering weathering Mechanical weathering does not involve any change in a rock’s composition unlike chemical weathering (hydrolysis is a form of chemical weathering). Deposition is the process in which materials are deposited in a new location. FL: SC.B.1.4.1
Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 2. In which country would intense chemical weathering most likely be found? a. Russia c. Brazil b. Saudi Arabia d. Canada Intense chemical weathering occurs in areas with warm temperatures, abundant rainfall, and lush vegetation. FL: SC.D.1.4.1
Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 3. Which of the following is found in acid precipitation? a. carbonic acid c. sulfuric acid b. nitric acid d. none of the above e. all of the above Acid precipitation is caused mainly by the oxidation of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that are released into the atmosphere through human activities. The two gases combine with oxygen and water in the atmosphere to form sulfuric and nitric acids.
Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 4. What is the texture of a soil that is 60 percent silt, 30 percent sand, and 10 percent clay? a. clay c. loam b. sandy loam d. silt loam Follow the lines from the percentage of silt, sand, and clay on the soil textual triangle to identify a soil’s texture.
Chapter Assessment Multiple Choice 5. Which of the following locations would most likely have the highest rate of physical weathering? a. Albany, NY c. Phoenix, AZ b. Miami, FL d. Mobile, AL Temperature plays a significant role in mechanical, or physical weathering. Albany, NY has the most thawing and freezing cycles of any of the locations listed. FL: SC.D.1.4.1
Chapter Assessment Short Answer 6. How does mechanical weathering help increase chemical weathering? Mechanical weathering breaks up rock into smaller pieces which increase the surface area of the material. This means that more surface area is available for chemical weathering. FL: SC.B.1.4.1
Chapter Assessment Short Answer 7. How can you identify the development level of a soil by its soil profile? Poorly developed soils show little distinction between their soil horizons or may be missing horizons all together.
Chapter Assessment True or False 8. Identify whether the following statements are true or false. ______ Frost wedging is usually responsible for the formation of potholes in roads. ______ Cool temperatures inhibit chemical weathering. ______ Soils that are yellow are often well drained. ______ Sedimentary rocks are more easily weathered than igneous rocks. ______ Deposition is the removal and transport of materials from one location to another. true false FL: SC.B.1.4.1
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