ISMB – Smart Energy activities 2013
Smart Energy Program Objectives Keywords • The Smart Energy Strategic Program aims to answer to the challenges and problems of a sustainable use of our energy resources leveraging on the ICT technologies • ICT may bring new ways of managing energy distribution through smart grids, new ways of managing energy consumption through smart metering, smart billing or electrical mobility. • ICT has the potential of shaping in a new way the whole energy environment and will be a key element to develop new services, business sectors and infrastructures in the coming years (electric car, user awareness, etc.). •The ISMB’s Smart Energy program is willing to promote the use of the ICT in the Energy environment and experimenting new energy paradigms in this sector. Keywords • Smart buildings, smart monitoring, smart (micro) grids, peer-to-peer energy local exchange, energy aggregators and Local Energy Communities, Management and Control systems (MCS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), etc..
Smart Energy Program 04/02/2019 The Strategic Project Internal research activity within the Strategic Program aimed at: Identifying IC Technologies that can help increasing the “smartness” of Energy usage and management Studying how ICT can support the introduction of RES in energy networks Analyzing the complex relations among energy processes within urban districts Modeling the scenario of a micro-grid and generating a planning platform tailored to support energy-related decision making Creating a test living Energy lab to demonstrate, to test and to validate new ICT solutions Other Research Projects The Program permanently develops other Research Projects in cooperation with ISMB's Research Areas, according to the long term objectives defined by the Strategic Program’s guidelines 04/02/2019 ISMB – Copyright 2012
Current Energy Projects Project Name Description EBBITS (Enabling business-based Internet of Things and Services) An Interoperability platform for a real-world populated Internet of Things domain EnerCloud Cloud based system for Energy Monitoring and Public Lighting management SEEMPubS (Smart Energy Efficient Middleware for Public Spaces) SEEMPubS aims to improve the energy saving and to reduce the CO2 footprint in public spacing by means of a smart use of the ICT technologies without any refurbishment activities SIEPI Energy saving in indoor and outdoor lighting in private, industrial and public sectors GreenCom The project will develop an energy management and control platform that allows energy providers for the first time ever to measure and balance load in the low-voltage grid and thereby prevent or reduce critical peak situations. SMILE-O (Smart Metering for Local Energy Optimization) Implementation of a framework for Energy optimization in industrial sectors where the use of energy is coupled with the generation from renewable sources. Energy Awareness Realization of an internal test-bed able to model and validate solutions for an Energy district. 04/02/2019 ISMB – Copyright 2011
The strategic Programme 04/02/2019 ISMB – Copyright 2011
Storage, Sources, and Sinks Overall Architecture District Storage Grid Interface District Mains District Power Manager District Interface Home Trading Agent Storage, Sources, and Sinks
Overall Architecture District Power Manager District Mains District Power Conditioning & MPPT Renewable Sources Inverter Home Mains District Mains District Interface Home Trading Agent District Power Manager Smart Home Home Storage
Overall Architecture + + District Mains District Mains Home Renewable Vsense Vsense Isense Vsense Isense Isense Isense + Home Mains Renewable Sources Vsense Home Storage
Overall Architecture + + District Mains District Mains Home Renewable Vsense Vsense Isense Vsense Isense Isense Isense + Home Mains Renewable Sources Home Storage
Overall Architecture + + District Mains District Mains Home Renewable Vsense Vsense Isense Vsense Isense Isense Isense + Home Mains Renewable Sources Vsense Home Storage
Overall Architecture
Home Energy Management time Trading Interval 1 Trading Interval 2 Trading Interval 3 Energy Bought Energy Sold Home Storage Energy % 50% Target threshold Buy threshold A Sell threshold A 100%
Home Energy Management time Home Storage Energy % 100% Target threshold Buy threshold A Sell threshold A Trading Interval 1 Trading Interval 2 Trading Interval 3 Energy Bought Energy Sold Sell threshold B (€--) Buy threshold B (€++) 50%