Care for Pennsylvania The Campaign for Full Practice Authority
Lobby Day 2015! Mark your calendars: Lobby Day is Tuesday, May 12 Rally in the rotunda at 9am Lawmaker meetings all morning and afternoon Please plan to attend and to recruit your colleagues!
Senator Pat Vance One of PCNP’s strongest allies Registered nurse Republican from Cumberland County Lead sponsor of SB 1063
Rep. Jesse Topper Elected in 2013 (special) Former member of the PA Board of Nursing Republican from Bedford County Volunteered to sponsor Full Practice Authority bill Methodist minister
Staying Organized Ceisler Media & PCNP will host monthly organizing calls for Regional Representatives and campaign leadership. The call will feature campaign updates and an opportunity to share ideas and ask questions The day is still TBD. You’re welcome to join, too!
Toolkits PCNP is developing 3 toolkits: Toolkit for individual members 1-pager on FPA Talking Points 1-page on how to get involved Toolkit for Regional Representatives Guidelines for the position Resources to share with members Toolkit for Lobbying
Video project 25 videos completed so far Some are short vignettes, others are longer stories These will be deployed with increasing frequency as the campaigns heats up in the spring Kathy Gray Michelle Shields Paul Dill Sister Christina Marie Cables