PBIS Tier Review Day 1 Team Training
Benicia Unified School District jenbaker@beniciaunified.org Mindi McCuen Fairfield Suisun Unified School District mindib@fsusd.org Jennifer Buzolich Vacaville Unified School District Jbuzolich@VUSD.SolanoCOE.k12.ca.us Katherine Morales Solano County Office of Education KMorales@solanocoe.net Ciara Davis CiaraD@VUSD.SolanoCOE.K12.CA.US> Nicola Parr Nparr@solanocoe.net Dennis Foster dennisf@fsusd.org Carolyn Patton Cpatton@beniciaunified.org Kimberly Govi Kgovi@solanocoe.net Adam Rich Vacaville Unified School District AdamR@vusd.solanocoe.k12.ca.usd J.P. Grelet jpgrelet@fsud.org Dorothy Rothenbaum Solano County SELPA DRothenbaum@Solanocoe.net Kimberly Smith Ksmith@solanocoe.net
Today’s Learning Objectives: Introduction-Purpose What Do You Need In Place for Tier III CA State Recognition/TFI Check List- Where Are You At? Solano County Mental Health Schedule SET Meetings Team Time/ Tips Meeting
What to expect from training….. Training and extended work time Training Dates: Day 1- 9/7/16 Day 2-10/12/16 Day 3- 11/10/16 Day 4- 1/10/17 SCOE Training Model Deliver some content, review as needed Presenters Site Visits Shortened slides to share with staff This Slide is to prepare groups for what the next four days of training will be like. You will also leave each day of training with shortened slides to take back and share what you learned with the rest of your staff. You’re the representative team from your school site. You need to go back and solicit feedback from those back at your site. This is not something that you do TO people.
Show Case These are photos of what Rolling Hills Elementary has created for their Tier I interventions. There 3 rules.
Show Case Here is the Rolling Hills Elementary PBIS video
Intro and Purpose Moving through the process of implementation
Change Takes Time… You are here Plan for rollout Reminder for schools that change takes time and effort and is an ongoing process. Reminding them where they have been and where they are now. We will be with you the whole journey! The work we do is informed by evidence-based practices—a lot of fidelity driven into this implementation. Plan for rollout Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace, 2005
Overview of Tier Review Date Content Day 1 Tier III needs Where are we? State Recognition Solano County Mental Health Team Time /TIPS Day 2 Data Team Time/TIPS Day 3 Restorative Practices Check in Check Out Status PBIS Recognition Day 4 Field Trips CICO Implementation
Materials PBIS Tier I Binder SCOE website: Tier Review Day 1 Packet (http://www.solanocoe.net/departments/student_and_program_support/p_b_i_s) Tier Review Day 1 Packet TIPS Meeting Form
What needs to be in place for Tier III Tier II team meeting regularly District Support for Tier II implementation School Wide data information system such as SWIS which supports Tier II implementation 80% implementation effectiveness in every area indicated on the checklist Usage of data to determine overall intervention effectiveness
CA PBIS Recognition Process Bronze & Silver Recognition Gold Recognition Platinum Recognition The California PBIS Coalition recognition process is a system for acknowledging schools for PBIS implementation. Schools may earn Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum recognition. All schools that earn recognition at the Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum Levels will be acknowledged by: School names will be displayed on the California PBIS Coalition webpage Letter of recognition Schools submitting applications will receive notification of their recognition level late July - early August. Bronze & Silver Recognition Schools assess their fidelity using the PBIS National Center Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI), which can be found and completed at www.pbisapps.org Bronze is earned for completing the TFI and the online application form Silver is earned for achieving at least 70% on one or more Tiers with an external coach of the TFI and completing the online application form Gold Recognition Gold level status requires schools to: Document at least 70% fidelity on Tier 1 AND Tier 2 or Tier 3 on the TFI Provide percentage of students receiving office discipline referrals (ODRs) in the following categories: 0-1 ODRs this school year 2-5 ODRs this school year 6+ ODRs this school year Submit a copy of the Tier 2/3 Tracking Tool Provide a supporting statement of 100 words or less about the PBIS effort of the school (details within application) Platinum Recognition Platinum level status requires schools to document 70% fidelity on all three tiers of the TFI, and submit the following evidence of implementation and effectiveness: 80-90% of all students have 0-1 office discipline referrals (ODRs) 5-10% of all students have 2-5 ODRs 1-5% of all students have 6 or more ODRs 5% or less of students have received an out-of-school suspension Rate of ODRs per 100 students per day Rate of OSS per 100 students per day Number of school days per year Number of students in your school Evidence of sustaining or improving academic trends
Checklist-Where are you at? Evaluate what is in place with the Tier Review check list Examine the quality of those items that are in place What is good and what are weaknesses Determine what is not in place Begin draft designing of those elements Tier Review Check List- In front of you is the Tier Review Action Plan for Tier 1 and 2 The key here is to evaluate yourselves to see where you are and to determine the quality of what you have in place How would you rate your implementation? How are you determining that you are implementing each item? Are you doing a regular walk through? Are you inviting others to participate in the walk through? Later we will review the checklist action plan to determine where you are
School-Wide Evaluation Tool (SET) Walk Through Purpose Schedule This Set is the tool that we used a year ago for the walk through when you completed Tier I. This lets you know how you did on your Tier I intervention school wide. Now we would like you to sign up for another Tier I Set because you have spent some time on Tier II and we just want to refresher on Tier I to assure that information is not being lost.
Meeting Foundations TIPS Meeting Minute Form (Team Initiated Problem Solving) Please look at your TIPs meeting form. In Tier I day 4 we did an extensive review of the use of TIPs forms which is utilized during your monthly PBIS meetings. How many are using the TIPS form for all of your meetings? Barriers? Good Things? Tier I and II intervention teams should be using the TIPS form Newton, J. S., Todd, A. W., Algozzine, K., Horner, R. H., & Algozzine, B. 2008
Identifying PBIS Team Members Members to be included: Administrator Coach Team Lead Certificated Staff Members Classified Staff Members School Psych/Counselor/Behavior Specialist Family Member Other staff/community members Student ( Middle/High) Team should be representative of all staff Across grades, departments, classified staff, tenure, race, gender, etc. Allows for all persons in school to have a voice or receive update
Organizing for an effective problem solving conversation A key to collective problem solving is to provide a process that allows everyone to follow and contribute Problem Use Data Animated slide telling a well too known story. The purpose of the TIPS form is to keep us focused on the goal. Out of Time Solution
The Process: TIPS Meeting Minute Form Documentation Review of meeting minutes Visual tracking of focus topics Prevents side conversations Prevents repetition Encourages completion of tasks Help people understand what needs to be documented and why. If someone talks the entire meeting and there is no discussion, that is a memo, not a meeting! No need to document irrelevant anecdotes like: ‘ Jason yawned after Debbie explained her problem’, or ‘Debbie rolled her eyes and sighed when we talked about the testing schedule’
TIPS Meeting Minute Form: Intro TIPS Form: Document 6 This is the form. When you do your team meeting this form should be used.
Meeting Information 8/15/16 3:00pm Room 14 Ken F Kim W Christina X Ken F X Kim W X Christina X Shonna Nicki X Sandy Quick Review
Agenda Items X School Wide Behavior Expectations X Behavior Matrix Classroom Matrix X School Wide Behavior Expectations X Behavior Matrix Classroom Matrix Quick Review
Information & Decisions School Wide Expectations Discuss at next staff meeting, have grade level teams discuss take a vote at staff meeting. Kim W. September 15th all staff meeting Quick Review
Brief Evaluation X Quick Review
Updated TIPS form Updated TIPS form look at previously defined problem. Looking at adding a section. Look under effectiveness of your solution.
TIPS Meeting Minute Form: The TIPS Form: Document 45b
We will go in-depth with these steps in later slides… TIPS Meeting Minute Form: Today, we introduce the complete TIPS Form: Document 45 (binder/packet) New section: New Problem(s) 3. Identify solution action element(s) 4. Assign tasks 5. Develop fidelity of implementation & outcome checks 1. Team develops precise problem statement 2. Identify goal & timeline We will go in-depth with these steps in later slides…
TIPS Meeting Minute Form: Today, we introduce the complete TIPS Form: Document 45 New section: Previously Defined Problems 3. Check for fidelity of implementation 4. Continue or adjust action plan 2. Discuss previously assigned action steps 1. Team assesses progress against goal & timeline Example on Next Slide
Where in the form would you place… a problem discussed at the last meeting? Where in the form would you place… Where in the form would you place… a new, defined precise problem statement? Copy + paste“New Problem” from last meeting agenda!
Where in the form would you… Record if your intervention has been implemented?
Where in the form would you place… a new problem identified on the agenda? Problem: Balls not being picked up from school yard Goal: to improve student clean up of balls on school yard Baseline: 20% of balls are currently being picked up and put away Look at what’s next? How do we proceed?
Team Work Time Guiding question Team task Use What tasks need to be completed? How will we divide and conquer? When will the team meet before the next training? Review Tier I / Tier II Action Plan Tier I and Tier II binders and materials What does your school PBIS handbook look like? Review PBIS handbook. 80% goal in every area Look at Check List Action Plan. At this time work with your team to determine where you are? Are you at 80% in each area? If not, what is your plan of action?
Overview of Tier Review Date Content Day 1 9/7/16 Tier III needs Where are we? State Recognition Solano County Mental Health Team team/TIPS Day 2 10/12/16 Data Team Time/TIPS Day 3 11/10/16 Restorative Practices Check in Check Out Status PBIS Recognition Day 4 1/10/17 Field Trips CICO Implementation Overview of Tier Review