Shelby Schrock and Sydney Griffin Hr. 5 Lyme Disease Shelby Schrock and Sydney Griffin Hr. 5
The Disease A tick-borne illness caused by bacteria Comes from only deer ticks Causes a rash along with flu-like symptoms Can be treatable if caught early, not deathly
Scientific Description bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi The bacteria replicate in the dermis layer of the skin Red bullseye rash: Erythema Migrans Appears on the cutaneous membrane, first sign of lyme disease
Symptoms Pain in joints or muscles Joint stiffness or swelling Fatigue and fever Bullseye rash around bite Headache Sleep issues Facial paralysis
Cause Caused by a deer tick bite when the tick is carrying the Borrelia Burgdorferi bacteria Infected tick must be attached for 36-48 hours or more before bacteria can be transmitted
Treatment Most people recover completely with an antibiotic treatment prescribed from a doctor If symptoms return after treatment then it turns into chronic lyme disease If chronic, it can result in problems with the heart, circulation, and skin This can lead to a poor quality of life
Worst Case Scenario Only about 1 in 10 people have lingering symptoms known as Chronic Lyme Disease If left untreated Bouts of severe joint pain Neurological problems, trouble with short term memory Numbness, tingly/shooting pains Bell’s Palsy- paralysis on one side of your face
Three Facts There are only 23 documented deaths from the disease Most ticks carry multiple disease-causing pathogens There used to be a Lyme Disease vaccine but it was discontinued in 2002 because the demand was insufficient