Ethics and Religious Culture ETHICAL CONCEPTS
A set of principles of conduct that determine why we do what we do. Ethics A set of principles of conduct that determine why we do what we do.
Norms What society has determined to be proper behaviour.
Ex: Paying for your groceries Stopping at stop signs or red lights while driving Holding the door for someone behind you Do not stand close enough to a stranger to touch arms or hips Shake hands when you meet someone Make direct eye contact with someone you are speaking too
Moral Principles Statements that help us determine what we should or should not do to achieve what is right. Ex: We should be free to act unless we're harming someone else
Ex: All human beings are equal - Respecting the persons right to making their own decisions - Treating others as one would wish to be treated (the Golden Rule)
Moral Rules Rules that give us specific ways to act according to our principles.
Ex: Do not cheat, Do not steal, respect others, be accountable for your actions
Values Attitudes, character traits and behaviours that help us lead a good life.
Ex: Perseverance, respect, hard work, family, compassion, achievement, fairness, love
Ethical Questions Questions that help us discuss issues from different perspectives. Ex: Is it unfair to move into better (open) seats at a sporting event or a concert? Should males and females be treated alike in all cases legally or is gender equality valid in all circumstances?
Ethical Issue An issue that arises due to a conflict with our values and norms.
Racism Sexism Discrimination against LGBTQ+ community Climate-change denial Police brutality
Religious Culture The main attitudes and behaviours of a group that are the result of a religious influence. Ex: No sex before marriage (Christianity) - Never cutting your hair (Sikhism…as a symbol of respect for the perfection of God's creation) - Muslim women covering up their hair and face (hijab, Niqab (face veil))
Form of Religious Expression Practices, places and items that relate to a religion. Ex: Ramadan (month of fasting by Muslims) Kirpan (ceremonial sword or dagger carried by baptized Sikhs…must wear 5 articles of faith at all times) Face-covering veils (Bill 62 (2014)…Quebec government’s law banning people from receiving public services with their faces covered)
Reference Someone or something that we refer to in order for information when thinking about an ethical issue.
World View The lens through which we see the world that has been shaped by our life experiences. How you look at the world. Ex: Atheism/Naturalism (rejection of God’s existence), Christian worldview, etc
Colin Kaepernick – Taking a knee Not standing for flag that oppresses black people and people of color (police brutality) Trump lashes out More NFL players join silent protest as direct act of resistance against Trump Oval office and supporters change message and talk about how act is disrespecting for American serviceman/women and how people died for protecting the country (unpatriotic, politics away from sports) Is it abnormal for sports stars to make political opinions known during events?
Long tradition of sports stars standing up for what they believe to be right.
New Nike Commercial (Nike commercial) (Retaliation)