“The Truth Concerning the Baby’s Name!” Truth Matters “The Truth Concerning the Baby’s Name!” Matthew 1:21
Jesus is the way to the Father, therefore we preach Him alone Jesus is the way to the Father, therefore we preach Him alone. He is the life, therefore our hearts will rejoice in Him alone. He is the truth, therefore…
to better understand seven truths concerning the name of Jesus Purpose: to better understand seven truths concerning the name of Jesus
I This Name was ORDERED by God A. The Angel of the Brought the Title
“No man knows the Son but the Father.” Matthew 11:27 “No man knows the Son but the Father.”
I This Name was ORDERED by God A. The Angel of the Brought the Title B. Jesus Literally Means “Lord of Salvation”
II This Name was so CALLED by Men A. Man was Instructed to Call Him Jesus B. Many Today Use the Name of Jesus
III This Name is EXCLUSIVE to Him - Problem of someone else using your name… - “Jesus Paid It All”…
IV This Name IDENTIFIES Him with His People A. A Savior Needs People B. This Name Rings with Sovereignty
Simply means He alone has all authority and power… He is the Potter and we are the clay….
V This Name SHOWS His Main Work A. Jesus Came First as Savior B. He Became Savior by Being Made Sin
“God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us…” 2 Corinthians 5:14 “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us…”
“…the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6 “…the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”
VI This Name is JUSTIFIED by the Facts A. It was Given Prior to the Fact B. No One Can Match the Ful- fillment of Their Name
VII This Name is His ETERNAL Name A. His Name is Eternity B. His Name Forever
Conclusion and Summary: Ever wonder why you were given the name you have? Ever wonder how some people come up with the names they do to name their children? Ever wonder why our Lord was named Jesus?...