May 12, 2016 Department of Environmental Quality Amendments to 15A NCAC 13A .0107, .0108 - Hazardous Waste Rules for Federal E-Manifest Rules
15A NCAC 13A .0107, .0108 Hazardous Waste Rules Amendments for E-Manifest Rule Julie Woosley Hazardous Waste Section Chief Division of Waste Management EMC Meeting – May 12, 2016 Department of Environmental Quality
E-Manifest Rule On October 5, 2012, President Obama signed into law the Hazardous Waste Electronic Manifest Establishment Act. This authorizes the EPA to implement a national electronic manifest system. Commonly referred to as "e-Manifest", this national system is envisioned to be implemented by the EPA in partnership with industry and states. The final federal e-Manifest Rule was published on January 13, 2014 and went into effect August 6, 2014. States were asked to adopt by July, 2016 (when statutory changes required). Department of Environmental Quality
E-Manifest Rule Department of Environmental Quality Rule Details §262.24 Use of the electronic manifest. (a) Legal equivalence to paper manifests. (b) A generator may participate in the electronic manifest system either by accessing the electronic manifest system from its own electronic equipment, or by accessing the electronic manifest system from portable equipment brought to the generator's site by the transporter who accepts the hazardous waste shipment from the generator for off-site transportation. (c) Restriction on use of electronic manifests. A generator may prepare an electronic manifest for the tracking of hazardous waste shipments involving any RCRA hazardous waste only if it is known at the time the manifest is originated that all waste handlers named on the manifest participate in the electronic manifest system. (d) Requirement for one printed copy. […] a generator originating an electronic manifest must also provide the initial transporter with one printed copy of the electronic manifest. (e) Special procedures when electronic manifest is unavailable. (f) Special procedures for electronic signature methods undergoing tests. (g) Imposition of user fee. A generator who is a user of the electronic manifest may be assessed a user fee by EPA for the origination of each electronic manifest. Department of Environmental Quality
Questions? Julie Woosley Hazardous Waste Section Chief 919-707-8203 Department of Environmental Quality