All About Me Ana
Parents and Siblings My father is Vladimir. I have 2 brothers Filip and Marko.
Childhood I am born 08/02/00 in Serbia, Bor. I am schools attented OS Dusan Radovic and Masinsko-elektotehnicka
What Was Happening When I was a child then toys were Bratz dolls, game was donning, sports were volleyball, basketball and internet sites facebook and youtube.
Me today I have 15 years. I am 09 grade.
Favorite Things My favorite color is blue. My favorite foods is serbian foods. My favorite music is serbian music. And my favorite classes is math.
Favorite Internet Sites
My Future Plans when you finish high school, I will enroll college. I myself for 10 years, 20 years see it as successful his job and happily married.
Something You Don’t Know About Me I went to the ballet 6 years in Serbia.
Name Slide In Dominican, the name Ana means - gracious. Other origins for the name Ana include - Dominican, Spanish, Hebrew.The name Ana is most often used as a girl name or female name.