Miss Bartram’s English Language Arts Room 609 At Ridge Road Middle, We Fly Higher than the Rest!
Warm-Up #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=ajjGtsjI7CM Watch this short video. Explain in 1 paragraph what you think the conflict is in this video. Is it an Internal Conflict or an External Conflict? Remember Paragraph Structure: -Topic Sentence -3 Supporting Sentences -Conclusion Sentence http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=ajjGtsjI7CM
Daily Routines Daily Warm-Ups, Vocabulary Menu (10-20 Minutes) Turn in Papers (5 Minutes) Mondays: Notes, Direct Instruction (25 Minutes) Tuesday-Thursday: Classwork, Projects, Activities (30 Minutes) Friday=Assessments, Bring Your Own Technology, www.todaysmeet.com/missb609 Weekends: Homework Non-Fiction Article Summaries Student Folders/Notebooks Raven Way Block Rewards “We Fly Higher Than The Rest” Recognition
Classwork Stories, poems, novels, speeches, articles, etc. Reading: Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories, poems, novels, speeches, articles, etc. Literary terms and concepts Vocabulary Work Prefixes, Roots, Suffixes Important Common Core terms Writing Skills Daily Warm-Ups, Essays, Paragraph Structure, Sentence Structure
Homework Classwork that doesn’t get done in class Sustained Silent Reading-EC Summary Reading Project Due October 15th 1-2 Informative Articles Weekly Paragraph Summary
Other Literary Resources Novels-2nd Quarter Media-YouTube, Movies, Short Videos, Music, etc. Scholastic Newsmagazine-received twice per month***$10 subscription- please pay online (see handout) Online textbook!! You will receive information on how to access.
Parents’ Jobs Look at your child’s agenda every evening to see what homework is to be done, or what they need to study in order to prepare for weekly assessments on Friday. Email me with questions/concerns. Please be patient, as I teach 115 students each day. Scholastic Reader $10 Ridge Road Website Online Payment
Helpful Tools & Resources 1. Go to my school webpage for updates: www.missbartram7languagearts.weebly.com 2. Remind 101 Text Code: @missbartr @missbartr3 @missbartr4 @missbartr5 to 980-365-5729 3. Study Tools: www.quizlet.com 3. Online Textbook: www.my.hrw.com