iCARE - your personal healthcare companion Group members: Yiska Chan Natalie So Stephanie Wong Annika Yiu
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Sometimes, we may have some symptoms such as a headache, popping ears etc. but we may not know what kind of illness we have or if the symptoms will lead to a more serious illness / disease. This app is like a doctor just a second away from your phone. You can enter the symptoms you have, and we’ll do analysis and tell you what’s wrong.
iCARE HOME PAGE You can choose to log in if you have an account or sign up if you do not have one. L O G I N S I G N U P
LOG IN PAGE ENTER LOG IN Fill in your account information to log in. EMAIL/ USERNAME PASSWORD Fill in your account information to log in. ENTER
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MY ACCOUNT PAGE My Account APPT History CALENDAR MY FRIENDS My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
Search Search WHAT’S WRONG PAGE STOMACHACHE (search or) Select the general/ most noticeable symptom you have. HEADACHE HEADACHE BACK PAIN COUGHING FREQUENT SNEEZING Just press the button to go here! My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
WHAT’S WRONG PAGE (extended) HEADACHE This more extensive and detailed checklist lets us determine you sickness more accurately. I feel nauseous Tick the symptoms you have, and we’ll do the analysis and tell you what’s wrong. I have been under stress recently I have visual problems I cannot balance myself lately My head only hurts on one side My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
We are 80% sure that you have Vestibular Migraine, and we advise you to see a doctor as soon as possible This is a conclusion that our app will make. Click onto to the remedies button to get suggestions from us on how to get better! WHAT’S WRONG ANALYSIS Remedies My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
You can directly search for remedies of particular illnesses. For example, if you know you have a cold, sore throat or fever, you may directly search for remedies. Search REMEDIES SEARCH PAGE STOMACHACHE SORE THROAT MIGRAINES How to get to remedies directly: Press the heart TONSILLITIS FEVER My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
Ingredients Ginger 2 slice Honey 5ml Orange two slices One cup of water Put the above ingredients together and leave it for 5-10 mins before drinking it. Sore Throat For users with less severe cases, we will give you some homemade remedies. Users with a more severe case must consult the doctor for medical treatments. REMEDIES PAGE
My Account APPT History CALENDAR MY FRIENDS My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
January MY ACCOUNT Calendar S M T W T F S MY ACCOUNT Calendar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 View your medical history/ appointments: Click on each date to view My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
My Account APPT History CALENDAR MY FRIENDS My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT Page Date & Time: 11-1-2018, 13:00 Clinic: Kowloon Clinic Sickness: Fever NEW Make new appointments or check details of upcoming appointments My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
INPUT NEW APPOINTMENT Appointment Back Enter Title Location Starts Other Details Alert Repeat INPUT NEW APPOINTMENT Ends Back Enter
My Account APPT History CALENDAR MY FRIENDS My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
VIEW MEDICAL HISTORY Record down your sicknesses and make new records Date & Time: 11-1-2018, 13:00 Medicine: Antibiotics Sickness: Fever NEW Record down your sicknesses and make new records My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
INPUT NEW MEDICAL HISTORY ENTRY Medical History Back Enter Name of illness Starts Ends Description Medicine Others INPUT NEW MEDICAL HISTORY ENTRY Back Enter
My Account APPT History CALENDAR MY FRIENDS My Account What’s Wrong Remedies
Friends Add Friends Friends’ History Chats My Account 2 Remedies What’s Wrong Remedies
ADD FRIENDS Add friends Tick in the corresponding boxes to add the people in your contacts that you wish to share medical information with Suggested (from contacts) Mom Dad Annikie Nacho Fish Add
MEDICAL HISTORY OF FRIENDS Find out more about your friends’ illnesses Friend’s History Find out more about your friends’ illnesses MADDIE.Z JACK.K MILLE.B
2017 MEDICAL HISTORY OF FRIENDS (cont) HISHKA Friends for: 1 year January: Fever June: Flu
CHATS with friends CHATS Share useful remedies, care and know more about your friends’ health by talking to them privately through texts HISHKAC Me: How are you doing? MOM Mom: I recommend this remedy! GRANDMA Grandma: It’s cold now, so take care! NATSO Me: Lol are you still sick
Example of a chat HISHKAnub Hi are you feeling better? Yea. i am getting better following the remedies nice :) bai
THE END Remember our group app name -- iCARE!!