Image to Image Translation using GANs Shashank Verma
Executive Summary Objective: Domain Transfer between MNIST and SVHN datasets Overview: Generate fake MNIST images with random noise input. Generate SVHN-domain digits with MNIST and vice versa. Compare the different GAN architectures trained. MNIST (Handwritten Digits) SVHN (Street-View House Numbers)
Method – Part I First, we learn GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) as a method to generate fake MNIST Images Vanilla GAN (proposed by Ian Goodfellow et al.) Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN)
Results (Part I) – Generated Images Vanilla GAN No. of Epochs: 200 Batch Size: 100 Optimizer: ADAM Loss: BCE Learning Rate = 0.0002 DCGAN No. of Epochs: 23 Batch Size: 100 Optimizer: ADAM Loss: BCE Learning Rate = 0.0002
Method – Part II MNIST -> SVHN (and vice versa) Domain Transfer Cycle Consistent Adversarial Nets (CycleGANs) - Discriminators output a probability Semi Supervised GAN (SGAN) – Discriminators output labels High Level CycleGAN Architecture
Results – Part II (CycleGAN) MNIST -> SVHN SVHN -> MNIST In most cases the correct digit information hasn’t been translated It is generating images that look like digits, and in the expected style Training Iterations: 91000 Loss: Reconstruction Loss + Squared Error Optimizer: ADAM Learning Rate: 0.0002 Momentum: 0.5
Results – Part II (SGAN) MNIST -> SVHN SVHN -> MNIST Much better results as compared to CycleGAN Most translated images have correct digit information Training Iterations: 100000 Loss: Cross Entropy Loss Optimizer: ADAM Learning Rate: 0.0002 Momentum: 0.5
Discussion DCGAN performed better than Vanilla GAN in generating fake MNIST images. DCGANs have more stable training dynamics as compared to Vanilla GANs. (Use Convolution layers where you can!) SGAN performed better than CycleGAN in the task of MNIST-SVHN domain transfer. In SGAN, the correct digit information was retained on more occasions as compared to CycleGAN. SGANs are a semi-supervised method requiring labeled data! GANs are hard to train! (especially Vanilla GAN) They suffer with “mode collapse”, “vanishing gradient” etc. A method to quantitatively compare domain transfer output is using off-the-shelf classifiers on the generated images.
Appendix Framework: PyTorch 0.4.1 Hardware: Euler Cluster (Intel® Haswell CPU (4 Cores in use) + Nvidia GeForce GTX-1080 (x 2)) Code Location: