NGI and Internet2: Accelerating the Creation of Tomorrow’s Internet NGI and Internet2: Accelerating the Creation of Tomorrow’s Internet Mary Kratz Internet2 Health Sciences Medinfo2001
Michael Ackerman, PhD Ted Hanss Steve Corbato, PhD "Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be.” – Albert Einstein Michael Ackerman, PhD National Library of Medicine,Bethesda,Maryland, USA Ted Hanss Internet2 Advanced Applications, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Steve Corbato, PhD Internet2 Network Services, Ann Arbor,Michigan, USA 2/4/2019
People on the Internet Millions of People This chart shows the rapid rise in the number of people using the Internet. The projected figures are probably conservative. Source: Nua Internet Surveys 2/4/2019
Today’s Internet Doesn’t Provide reliable end-to-end performance Encourage cooperation on new capabilities Allow testing of new technologies Support development of revolutionary applications Today’s Internet has serious shortcomings. Some of them are performance or technically related, which limit the kinds of applications and capabilities the Internet can support. Other limitations affect the ability to innovate new capabilities that would address some of the performance and technical limitations. 2/4/2019
Tomorrow’s Internet Billions of users and devices Convergence of today’s applications with multimedia (telephony, video-conference, HDTV) Interconnect personal computers, servers, and embedded computers New technologies enable unanticipated applications (and create new challenges) Tomorrow’s Internet promises even more demands: many more users and even more demanding applications. New capabilities must be developed to realize the potential of tomorrow’s Internet. 2/4/2019
Challenges Human computer interaction Usage enhancements Virtual learning environments Virtual meetings and seminars Shared authoring and research collaboration Usage enhancements Remote instrumentation is cumbersome Access between higher edu resources and corporate environments restricted Distributed large scale computing and database Data collections and mediation Metadata harvesting and normalizing Persistent storage Vocabulary mediation 2/4/2019
Internet2 Mission Develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet. This is the Internet2 mission. 2/4/2019
Internet2 Goals Enable new generation of applications Re-create leading edge R&E network capability Transfer technology and experience to the global production Internet These are the three primary goals of Internet2. 2/4/2019
Internet2 and the Next Generation Internet Initiative NGI University-led Federal agency-led Developing education and research driven applications Agency mission-driven and general purpose applications Building out campus networks, gigaPoPs and inter-gigapop infrastructure Funding research testbeds and agency research networks Internet2 works closely with the federal agencies involved in the Next Generation Internet initiative. Interconnecting and interoperating to provide advanced networking capabilities needed to support advanced research and education applications 2/4/2019
Next Generation Internet (NGI) Research Experimentation Networking Technology Network Testbeds Connectivity University and Government partnership High Performance capabilities Applications Strategic Applications Leveraging advanced technology 2/4/2019
Internet2 Universities 187 Universities as of July 2001 This is the latest map of Internet2 universities. Each Internet2 university commits to providing the high performance networking on their own campus, connecting to a high-performance backbone network, and supporting advanced applications development on their own campus. 2/4/2019
Internet2 Backbone Networks This is an illustration of the (currently) two Internet2 backbone networks, the vBNS developed by MCI Worldcom and the National Science Foundation and Abilene, developed by the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development, Qwest, Cisco and Indiana University. Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, NCSA 2/4/2019
Application Attributes Interactive research collaboration and instruction Real-time access to remote resources Large-scale, multi-site computation and data mining Shared virtual reality Any combination of the above 2/4/2019
Advanced Applications Distributed computation Virtual laboratories Digital libraries Distributed learning Digital video Tele-immersion All of the above in combination Advanced applications com in many flavors, and those flavors can be combined. Advanced applications share the characteristic that they require advanced network capabilities to work—they either don’t work at all, or won’t work well on today’s Internet. Enabling advanced applications is at the heart of Internet2. 2/4/2019
The Scope of the Internet2 Health Science Workgroup includes clinical practice, medical and related biological research, education, and medical awareness in the Public. Enigma Machine and Bombe Armed forces have always been dependent on communications. During World War II, the German Army and Navy tried to keep their communications secret by using encryption devices called Enigma machines. These sophisticated coding devices could generate over 1 trillion different coding patterns. The Germans believed they were too sophisticated for Allied forces to break them. But in one of the best-kept secrets of the war, first the Poles, and later the British and Americans succeeded in deciphering messages. The wooden device in the foreground is a 4 rotor German Enigma machine, used for encoding. The large machine in the background is a "Bombe," used for breaking the code. Working out the details of codebreaking machines was one of the developments that fostered electronic computers. Smithsonian Photo by Laurie Minor-Penland.
Roadmap Networking Health: Prescriptions for the Internet National Research Council Report Current and future Internet Released 24 February 2000 National Academy Press ISBN 0-309-06843-6 2/4/2019
Health Science Working Groups Middleware Security – HIPAA Guidelines Distance Medical Education (Veterinary Medical) VHP Collaboratory Open Source Electronic Health Record Collaboratory Clinical Trials Access Grid for Health Sciences Virtual Tumor Board 2/4/2019
National Library of Medicine Digital Video: NLM Collaborative Videoconferencing by the National Library of Medicine Broadcast TV quality videoconferencing Both live distribution and on-demand access to a variety of content HDTV-based digital cinema, network-based studio production, … Based on H.323 standard National Library of Medicine 2/4/2019
Remote Scanning Electron Microscope By the University of Michigan Philips XL30 2/4/2019
Teleimmersion University of Illinois at Chicago University of Illinois-NCSA Old Dominion University
The CAVE 2/4/2019
Immersadesk 2/4/2019
Virtual Pelvic Floor Funded by National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health NO1-LM-9-3543 Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Cook County Hospital, Chicago College of Health and Human Development Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago 2/4/2019
Virtual Pelvic Floor Funded by National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health NO1-LM-9-3543 Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Cook County Hospital, Chicago College of Health and Human Development Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago 2/4/2019
Virtual Temporal Bone Dept. of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Funded by National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health NO1-LM-9-3543 Dept. of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, College of Health and Human Development Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago 2/4/2019
Telecubicle Advanced Network & Services, Brown University, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of Pennsylvania 2/4/2019
The BIG Picture 2/4/2019
Challenges to Health Sciences "The medical research revolution is happening! 90% of data collected today will never be seen by a human eye. This is everyone's problem. We must manage a growing amount of data to secure knowledge for the future." - Michael Marron, NIH 2/4/2019
Unanticipated Innovation Lesson of the Web Network growth and value are non-linear New technologies enable qualitatively different uses Users become innovators 2/4/2019
Visible Human Project Application 2/4/2019
More Information On the Web Email For more information about Internet2, please see these web sites, or contact directly by email. 2/4/2019