Study XII A Christian’s Choice Part I: choosing the right way and the right prophets (Matthew 7:13-20)
The Broad and Narrow Way
A Christian’s Choices: Two ways (7:13-14) Two ways. a. The Narrow Way Clearly marked boundaries Hard to follow Few companions, who are: Convicted Subservient Faithful Loving Dedicated Abstinent Evangelistic Prayerful
A Christian’s Choices: Two ways (7:13-14) Two ways. b. The Broad Way Spacious Easy Plenty of companions, who are: Superficial Mechanically religious Popular Falsely ambitious Sensuous Morally lax
A Christian’s Choices: Two ways (7:13-14) 2. Two gates. a. The Narrow Gate Sometimes hard to find Leads to the hard road Requires leaving baggage behind, Sins Self-righteousness Pride Sometimes even family Covetousness Selfish ambitions
A Christian’s Choices: Two ways (7:13-14) 2. Two gates. b. The Wide Gate Easily found Leads to the easy road Permits a lot of luggage: bring along Sins Self-righteousness Pride Like-minded companions
A Christian’s Choices: Two ways (7:13-14) 3. Two destinations. a. Life Begins here. Perfected hereafter. The goal of the Scheme of Redemption.
A Christian’s Choices: Two ways (7:13-14) 3. Two destinations. b. Destruction Everything bad will be destroyed in hell. Hell is the ultimate destiny of the disobedient. These choices are repeated often in Scripture: “… life and good, death and evil, blessing and curse.” (Deut. 30:15, 19) “Prospering and perishing” (Ps. 1)
A Christian’s Choices: Two kinds of prophets –true and false (7:15-19) These words of Jesus teach us that: a. False prophets exist. b. A standard exists by which to distinguish prophets. c. The Bible will tell us how to “try the spirits” (1 Jn. 4:1).
A Christian’s Choices: Two kinds of prophets –true and false (7:15-19) 2. Jesus also warns us about false teachers: a. They appear to be sheep. b. They are in reality wolves. c. Jesus describes such people in John 10:11-13.
A Christian’s Choices: Two kinds of prophets –true and false (7:15-19) 3. Jesus shows us how to recognize false prophets: a. Judge the tree by its fruits. b. Judge doctrine by its soundness. c. Character and message are both important.
End of Study XII.