Emissions inventory formats - EEA information, input to discussion CIS WG E meeting 14 October 2013, Brussels Emissions inventory formats - EEA information, input to discussion Bo N Jacobsen Project Manager, EEA Contact: bo.jacobsen@eea.europa.eu 1
Background Available from list of CIS guidance documents Provides scoping , overview of methodologies and fact sheets examples
Principal components of inventory Source. CIS Guidance doc. No. 28, 2012
(some) Current data and information sources Existing national inventories E-PRTR point E-PRTR diffuse Eurostat Water statistics Large EU projects WFD RBMPs JRC FATE model SoE Emissions WFD – EQS European database on national PS/PHS inventories on discharges and losses Tech.-Sci. literature International Sea conventions LCIA proxy scenarios
SoE Emissions reporting scheme and data model Data Dictionary available from Reportnet Spatial units are RBD or SU E-PRTR data can be imported via coding Reporting scheme same structure as CIS Guidance doc 28 – and E-PRTR diffuse sources project
Example of visualising emission data Source: EEA technical report no. 8, 2011)
Example of source apportionment for Cd emissions to coastal & transitional (TC) and inland waters from point sources based on SoE Emissions data (2010) DO – direct to TC water I – industrial sources U – municipal (urban) sources O - other sources
Example of trend of Ni emissions to inland water from point sources based on SoE Emissions data (2010) I – industrial sources U – municipal (urban) sources
Both relative and absolute decouplings are seen Example of Water Resource Efficiency Indicator (WREI) - emission intensity compared to Gross Value Added (GVA) Both relative and absolute decouplings are seen Draft in Eionet consultation
Example of Water Resource Efficiency Indicator (WREI) - emission intensity; heavy metals weighted by 1/EQS - absolut values and changes Big changes from a high level Small changes from a low level
Discussion issues – work ahead: (Rely on E-PRTR, only ??) point sources (lower reporting thesholds ?) diffuse sources (expand EU-level modelling ?) Rely E-PRTR and more data sources / pathways ? Increase sector-wise reporting to Eurostat ? Increase data coverage in SoE Emissions ? Include more inland riverine loads (flux stations) ! Liase with LCA-community(ies) on proxy scenarios ? Others ? Go straight to distributed / decentralised reporting in WISE & IPCheM ? Develop harmonised formats for national inventories ? Develop harmonised estimation methods ? Data sharing by interoperaable services, e.g. Web Feature Services (WFS) ? How to organise ? Volunteers for Drafting Group on reporting format, joint with WG DIS? Involve WISE TG ?