WELCOME! Mrs. Low’s Guidelines and Procedures Change picture
DUE DATES Syllabus Acknowledgment Monday, August 20th Lab Safety Contract & Quiz Materials * You may turn in forms early, if it is done at the beginning or end of class.
COMMUNICATION Email: lowk@mail.leon.k12.fl.us Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about homework. I will try my best to respond in a timely manner. Website: http://klowscience.weebly.com/ ReMind
Materials Composition Notebook Pocket Folder Pencils and Pens (Black or Blue) Montford Planner Calculator (any type, but not on cell phone)
Classroom Supplies Each group has a tub of supplies at their pod. These tubs are to stay at their respective groups. Your group is held responsible for the supplies in your tub. The supplies may only be used when I instruct you to do so. You should not be using any of the supplies for work in a different class (unless I give you permission).
Supply Check Tissues Blue Box 4 permanent markers 8 Crayola markers 20 colored pencils 20 crayons
Supply Check Green Box 5 pencils 4 red pens 4 highlighters 4 glue sticks 1 mini stapler 4 scissors 1 pencil sharpener 1 pink eraser Calculator
SHARPEN PENCILS! Everyone sharpen 1 colored pencil!
Supplies For each quarter, I will randomly check the supplies at each group throughout the quarter. Supplies need to be put back where you got them from If I find that missing supplies becomes an issue, I will start doing random supply checks that will results in pop quizzes or essay tests Refills available on tissues, glue sticks, and staples How to use a glue stick
Deduction of Class Points Your class can lose points if anyone in the group is… Talking Calling out Getting out of your seat to throw trash away Being disruptive Having gum or cell phone At the end of the quarter, the class with the most amount of points gets a cereal party!
Classroom Guidelines Come to class on time and be seated when the bell rings. TARDY POLICY (renews itself each quarter): 1st: Verbal Warning 2nd: Student/Teacher Conference 3rd: Parent Notification After your 3rd tardy, you will be referred to the office if any further tardies occur.
Daily Procedure Pick up papers as you walk in Get science notebook Be in your seat when the bell rings! Look at agenda and homework on board. Write down any necessary reminders. Get out plicker card (if plickers is on agenda) Daily Activity
Classroom Guidelines 2. Come to class prepared with materials and assignments. If you repeatedly come to class unprepared, I will notify your parents.
Classroom Guidelines 3. Show respect to me and your fellow classmates by being attentive and quiet when someone else is speaking. 4. Raise your hand to speak or to get out of your seat. Speaking without raising your hand Side conversations with other students Loud reactions or responses to things that I say Responding to what another student says without raising your hand Getting out of your seat while I am at the front of the room talking If I have to say your name more than twice during a class period, I will ask you to see me after class. The second time this occurs, your parents/coaches will be notified, on a daily basis, until the talking stops and your citizenship grade will be lowered. If the disruptive behavior does not stop, you will be referred to the office.
Classroom Guidelines 5. Follow all lab safety rules when performing a lab. 6. Use the restroom before or after class. VERY RARELY do I let students use the restroom. If it becomes a problem, the restroom will be completely off limits. 7. No cell phones! 8. Keep your surroundings tidy. - You may eat in the classroom as long as I don’t notice it. If food ever disrupts the classroom or if food trash is left behind, no food will be allowed. No food on lab days.
CHEATING If you copy or cheat or any assignment, you will receive an automatic 0 If you let someone copy your assignment, you will also receive a 0
Make up Work Excused Absences ONLY: you have 2 days for each day absent to complete work you have missed It is your responsibility to obtain the make up work the day you return ONLY before or after the bell: ask me what you have missed Turn it in (within 3 days) before or after class
LATE WORK Late work may or may not be accepted Late work will be penalized (11 pts for each day late) DO NOT wait until the end of the quarter to try and turn in missing work
Emergencies Fire drill Lock down Extra help
Science FCAT You will be taking the science FCAT at the beginning of May It will cover science learned in grades 6,7, and 8 We will spend the 4th quarter reviewing for this test
Seating You will receive new assigned seats next week Once you get your assigned seat, you need to sit in it everyday You are tardy if you are not in your assigned seat when the bell rings Who needs/wants to sit in the front?
PLICKERS DO NOT destroy the cards Put the cards back in your group basket when you are done using them Be ready to hold up your answer Carefully put card upside down once you’ve answered Correct points will earn you class points