New knowlegde about inmates health Norway 2018 New knowlegde about inmates health Kirsten Mostad Pedersen, senioradvicer, the Norwegian directorate of Health
Annual repport 2017 Health care in prison The average of inmates with substance abuse problems – 60 % The average of inmates with mental disorder – 70 % An increasing number of inmates mobility impairments (178 – 216) Infectious diseases only national overview In almost every prison the inmates are offered testing for Hepatitis B and C Health services in 41 of 48 have routines for testing for TBC Health services in 42 of 48 prison have routines for examine sexual transmitted diseases The numbers from annual reports from health care in prison – all prisons in Norway. Therefore 2017. There are differences between prisons in how many inmates there are with addictional problems. 27 with hearing problems – increased from 17. Visually impaired from 1 – 13. Personality disorders 73 %, anxiety disorders 42 %, depressions 23 %, 4 % ongoing psycosis In 4 prison there is a lack of routines for testing for hepatitis Overveiw Hep B and C Helsedirektoratet
Project Inmates and mental Health 2016 Recommendation finish 2018 – to the Ministry of Health and care services Establish research and development centre Specialized Health care in prison: - treatment of inmates - guidance of health professionals - guidance and education of prison officers Treatment of inmates convicted of sexual abuse, ongoing. Project in 2016. two working groups one for primary health care and one for specialized health car, mental health and substance abuse Project – develop treatment of inmates convicted for sexual abuse. Directorate of Health responsible. Specialised healthcare the responsibility for the professional contents. It’s a need to involve the correctional services because the treatment will be given in prison. Helsedirektoratet
Reduced Recidivism to Crime Goal – reduce recidivism to new crime - reduce social exclusion trough increased transition to education and work - coordinated effort on and between all levels of administration The project ongoing 8 workgroups Delivery to the ministry December 2018 Vulnerable project because: Short deadlines Each directorate have few persons working with prisons, each of us are represented I several groups. There is little time allocated to the work. The tasks in the different groups are similar elements and som of the measures could have been merged Helsedirektoratet