Union County Middle School October Washington, D.C. 2012
Union County Middle School October Action Packed! Exciting! Historical! Powerful! Educational! Unforgettable! Washington, D.C. 2012
The Mall Union County Middle School October Reflecting Pool
The White House
Lincoln Memorial Honoring the 16 th President Abraham Lincoln from
Washington Monument Honoring the 1 st President George Washington from
Jefferson Memorial Honoring the 3 rd President Thomas Jefferson from 1801 – 1809
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
FDR Memorial Honoring the 32 nd President Franklin D. Roosevelt from
MLK Jr. Memorial
World War II Memorial
Korean War Memorial U.S. Dead – 54,246 U.S. Wounded – 103, 284 U.S. Captured – 7,140 U.S. Missing – 8,177
Arlington National Cemetery
U.S. Marine Corps Memorial
The Smithsonian Institution
The Capitol Building South Side SENATE North Side HOUSE Goddess of Freedom
Mount Vernon Estates