Instructions for the Annie Project Presentation Kitty Hutchcroft – Technical Consultant Michelle Grandinetti – Programs and Service Projects Committee Chair
This year the Annie Slideshow presentations will be about projects This year the Annie Slideshow presentations will be about projects. The slideshow can include a program related or connected to the project, but the topic for this year is “projects”. Select a project that your chapter would like to share with other chapters at the Arlington Convention. After the convention the slideshows will go on the TSO website.
Google Slides You may create your presentation in Google Slides. Make sure you share it with Kitty and Michelle. If you have questions on how to use Google Slides, there is Google support and there are videos on how to create a presentation in Slides. Remember if you can do a PowerPoint presentation, you can probably do a Slides presentation.
Creating the PowerPoint Please read all instructions completely and carefully before assembling the slideshow. Download the PowerPoint template from the TSO website. Open the PowerPoint. Select File, then, SaveAs. Save the presentation as the name of your chapter, for example, Epsilon Upsilon, Theta Alpha, etc. Now you are ready to add your content to this presentation. Remember to save changes as they are made.
First slide for the chapter name, area, and title of project. Slides Use a maximum of six slides with one picture per slide or a collage of pictures grouped together as one picture. First slide for the chapter name, area, and title of project. Five slides to explain and show the project. A maximum of four words per slide to describe the content. Rationale for the four word limit: Each slide will be shown for a maximum of 5 seconds. Also, when viewing Power Point presentations, viewers prefer to look at pictures.
This is an example Annie project slideshow to show you how to stretch a sentence to convey your message. In May the director of a city homeless organization gave a program about children in the local school system who are homeless. She defined homelessness, presented statistics, and offered suggestions that would be helpful for the students. In August members gathered supplies for 30 backpacks for homeless students in the district that were given to the organization to distribute. How to stretch the message…… One the first slide - Name of chapter, area, title of project Second slide - May: homeless students program (picture of presenter) Third slide – August:30 backpacks…. (picture) Fourth slide – filled with school supplies (picture of members filling backpacks) Fifth slide – presented to… (picture) Sixth slide - Homeless students organization (picture)
Requirements Slide display You may change the theme or background color. You may decorate, add color, art, patterns, or whatever will enhance the slide. If you choose to use a dark background, you will need to use a light text. Light backgrounds will need dark texts. (Please do not use a black background and a red text. Red text does not show well on the screen.)
Do not use all capital letters for any part of the presentation Fonts Do not use all capital letters for any part of the presentation Title font should be no less than 52 Font size for describing the photos should be no less than 30. ( This is a rule of thumb for presentations since small fonts cannot be seen on screens.) Photos Faces of children cannot be shown – only the back of heads Action shots of members are the best and most fun to view. Slides The first slide is for the title of program, chapter name, and area. Use a maximum of six slides with one picture per slide. The one picture can contain a collage of pictures.
Technical Notes Please use a short title as they are easier to read. No music No videos Be aware of copyrights and permissions. Have someone not affiliated with the project look at the slideshow to confirm that the message/content intended was explained well.
Consent Forms There are two consent forms on the Programs Webpage. One is signed by all individuals seen in the slideshow, the owners of logos, or any works owned by specific individuals. This gives permission to be seen online. This form is kept in a chapter file. The second consent form is to be sent with the slideshow. Both consent forms are on the Programs and Service Projects webpage.
Deadline Please submit the chapter Annie PowerPoint slideshow as soon as possible after the completion of the project. Early submission of presentations will prevent congestion and will allow sufficient time to review and prepare each slideshow for the Arlington Convention. The absolute deadline for submitting the presentation is April 1, 2019. No late entries will be accepted. Email the slideshow presentation and Annie Consent Form to: Kitty Hutchcroft, Technical Consultant - and Michelle Grandinetti, TSO Programs and Service Projects Chair - A confirmation email will be sent when the Annie presentation and consent form have been received.
How to attach your PowerPoint to an email when you are finished Open an email document. Find the paperclip icon and click on it or look for the word Attachment. Locate the PowerPoint presentation on your computer. Double click on it or click once and click on the Done button. Once the PowerPoint has been attached, press send.
We look forward to viewing your Annie Project Slideshow! Need Help? For Technical assistance please contact Kitty Hutchcroft For all other questions please contact Michelle Grandinetti We look forward to viewing your Annie Project Slideshow!