European Summer School on Soil Survey Experiences with WRB: 1:1,000,000 scale Soil Map for Europe Bob Jones John Hollis Luca Montanarella European Summer School on Soil Survey Institute for Environment & Sustainability JRC Ispra 21-25 July 2003
European Soil Database (scale 1:1,000,000) World Reference Base for Soil Resources classification (1998)
European Soil Database WRB classification (scale 1:1,000,000)
Conversion of FAO CEC (1985) Soil Name (Type) to WRB (1998)
FAO (CEC85) to WRB (1998)
FAO (CEC85) to WRB (1998)
FAO (CEC85) to WRB (1998)
Histosols Podzols Andosols Gleysols Vertisols Solonetz Chernozems Cambisols Umbrisols Andosols Calcisols
European Soil Information System 2003-4 Scale 1:1,000,000 WRB modifications - transfer to version 4.0 New soil map of Sweden in preparation New coverage for Austria received Revise Italy using Ecopedologica Mediterranean Basin? Maroc, Algeria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Syria Build distributed database at JRC … in collaboration with ESBnet Thematic Strategy on Soil Protection Scale 1;250,000 and the needs of Soil Monitoring