Bellringer Why would the United States want to get involved in a civil war in Vietnam? (Think Geography & Cold War Politics)


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Presentation transcript:

Bellringer Why would the United States want to get involved in a civil war in Vietnam? (Think Geography & Cold War Politics)

Objective I can analyze the events and policies that caused the US entry into Vietnam.

The United States and Vietnam

Early Vietnam Controlled by France until WWII Seized by Japan Pushed for independence after the war

US and Vietnam Eisenhower sent in the Green Berets as “Peace Keepers in 1950s” JFK increased the troop count during his administration.

Ho Chi Minh Leader of a nationalist movement in Vietnam Founded the Vietminh

Domino Theory The belief that if Vietnam fell to communism, all of southeast Asia would follow

Division of Vietnam According to the Geneva Accords Divided at the 17th parallel Elections to be held in 1956 to unite the country

Hot Question #1 Would the US want free elections in Vietnam? Why or why not?

North Vietnam Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh controlled the north Communist supporters

South Vietnam Pro-western regime Led by Ngo Dinh Diem Supported by the U.S.

Vietnam Tension Ho Chi Minh formed the National Liberation Front (NLF) to reunite the country Guerrilla terrorist forces known as the Vietcong

Vietnam Tension Johnson followed idea of global containment “I am not going to lose Vietnam” Intended to increase troops

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution August 2, 1964 North Vietnamese fired on U.S. destroyer Maddox… (Maybe?) Congress gave Johnson a mandate to conduct operations in Vietnam

HQ 2- What do you think this cartoon is trying to depict?

Vietnam Warfare Vietcong used ambushes, booby traps and guerilla warfare in the thick Asian jungles

Vietnam Warfare U.S. carried out search and destroy missions Get rid of thick jungle hiding places by using napalm and Agent Orange (kills foliage)

Tet Offensive January 1968 Vietcong launched assaults on South Vietnam, nearly overran Saigon Americans viewed war as unwinnable

Vietnam on TV First major US war to be broadcast on TV People at home saw live pics of dead soldiers, horrific scenes of war, and combat between soldiers and civilians.

Whose the Enemy? No clear enemy, people want basic war questions answered. Who are we fighting? Why are we fighting? What is our end game? General Westmoreland (and president Johnson) has trouble answering these questions.

HQ #3 What do you think caused some of the Americans uneasiness about the Vietnam war in retrospect to WW I and II?

ES Q’s 1. Why did Johnson want to get involved in Vietnam? 2. What event caused the US to get drawn into Vietnam, militarily. 3. Why were citizens at home becoming skeptical of the war?