Cooperative Rail Research at TRB AASHTO Standing Committee on Rail Transportation Charlotte, NC September 13, 2011
Coming soon … National Cooperative Rail Research Program (NCRRP) FRA – AASHTO – AAR – APTA – NARP - TRB
NCRRP--Basics Authorized in PRIIA Legislation $5.0 million per year starting in FY 2010 through FY 2013 To cover freight, intercity passenger (including HSR), and commuter rail (FRA-Regulated Systems) Applied, problem solving research National Academy of Sciences (i.e., TRB) to administer as per PRIIA Governing board to be selected by Secretary, USDOT FY 2010 funding from HSR pot ($5.0 Million) AASHTO asked TRB to administer the program when it was founded in 1962 Successful track record, reputation of objectivity
NCRRP--Status as of 9/13/2011 FRA-NAS NCRRP Memorandum of Agreement-- Executed NCRRP FY2010 Grant--Approved U.S. DOT Appointment of NCRRP Governing Board in Process Solicitation of Potential Research Topics Underway through FRA and Relevant AASHTO, APTA, TRB Committees (36 Received to Date) First Meeting of NCRRP Governing Board Expected Late 2011/Early 2012 to Select FY 2010 Research Projects AASHTO asked TRB to administer the program when it was founded in 1962 Successful track record, reputation of objectivity
NCRRP– Governing Board 21 Voting Members - 4 Freight Rail, 1 Alaska Railroad - 1 Amtrak, 2 Intercity Passenger, 2 Commuter Rail - 4 State DOTs - 2 Railway Labor - 3 Private Sector and/or University - FRA Administrator, Associate Administrator of Railroad and Policy Development 7 Non-Voting, ‘Ex-Officio” Members - AAR, APTA, AASHTO, EPA, FAA, NARP, TRB AASHTO asked TRB to administer the program when it was founded in 1962 Successful track record, reputation of objectivity
NCRRP RESEARCH FIELDS Operations Environmental Policy and Planning Operations Environmental Policy and Planning Safety Security Human Resources Administration 8. Engineering of Rolling Stock and Equipment 9. Engineering of Fixed Facilities 10. Construction 11. Maintenance 12. Special Projects
Related CRP Products/Projects NCHRP Report 657, Guidebook for Implementing Passenger Rail Service on Shared Passenger and Freight Corridors (Published 2010): Provides improved principles, processes, and methods to support agreements on access, allocation of operation and maintenance costs, capacity allocation, operational issues, future responsibilities for infrastructure improvements, and other fundamental issues that affect the ultimate success of shared-use passenger and freight agreements between public and private railroad stakeholders. AASHTO asked TRB to administer the program when it was founded in 1962 Successful track record, reputation of objectivity
Related CRP Products/Projects TCRP Report 130, Shared Use of Railroad Infrastructure with Noncompliant Public Transit Rail Vehicles: A Practitioner’s Guide (Published 2009): Provides a business case for the shared use of non-FRA-compliant public transit rail vehicles (e.g., light rail) with freight operations and offers a suggested business model for such shared-use operations. Identifies the advantages and disadvantages of shared-use operations and the issues and barriers that can arise in the course of implementation. Includes a section that identifies and evaluates available and emerging technology, operating procedures, and techniques that could be used to minimize the risks associated with sharing of track between non-FRA-compliant public transit rail vehicles and freight railroad operations. AASHTO asked TRB to administer the program when it was founded in 1962 Successful track record, reputation of objectivity
Related CRP Products/Projects NCFRP Project 30, Web-Based Screening Tool for Shared-Use Rail Corridors (Underway—Completed July 2012) Objective: to develop a web-based tool to enable states and passenger rail operators to perform preliminary feasibility screening of proposed shared-use passenger and freight rail corridor projects AASHTO asked TRB to administer the program when it was founded in 1962 Successful track record, reputation of objectivity
Related CRP Products/Projects NCHRP Project 8-85, The Comprehensive Costs of Highway-Rail At-Grade Crossing Crashes (Underway−Completed Late 2012) Objectives: to develop (a) a categorization scheme for comprehensively describing costs associated with highway-rail at-grade crossing collisions; (b) estimates of the cost magnitudes in recent experience; and (c) an analytical framework for developing a model or set of models for forecasting these costs, considering the characteristics of a crossing and the rail and highway traffic using it. AASHTO asked TRB to administer the program when it was founded in 1962 Successful track record, reputation of objectivity
Related CRP Products/Projects NCHRP Project 8-86, Understanding Capacity Modeling for Shared-Use Passenger and Freight Rail Operations (Contract Pending) Objective: to produce a guidebook that state transportation agency staff and other stakeholders may use to better understand the modeling processes and results that support the negotiation of service outcome agreements for the shared use of rail lines for freight, intercity, and commuter rail operations.
TRB website Information on NCHRP, TCRP, ACRP, NCFRP, HMCRP, NCRRP Search engine Project Info since 1988: Anticipated / Active / Completed CRP publication lists / ordering info Requests for proposals Registration form for notification of RFPs