Welcome to Back to School Night Mrs. Beaven’s 2nd Grade Class “Honoring All Learners”
A little bit about me… Born and raised in Iowa until 1997. I’ve been in Colorado ever since and LOVE it! Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education from Northwestern College in Iowa – Title 1 Reading and Early Childhood endorsements 16 years of teaching My husband is also involved in education as a middle school teacher. We have two children in 8th grade and 4th grade.
Reading Instruction 8:40-10:20 Combination of Treasures program & Daily 5 Teach students to become independent readers & read books at their level while building stamina Read to Self Read to Someone Work on Writing CAFÉ Board-reading strategies Treasures-weekly strategies, grammar, spelling, and vocabulary
Reading continued Weekly or bi-weekly conferences with students to set goals, monitor and increase fluency, teach/re-teach strategies, conference Literature circles/Reading groups Assessments-MAPS, STAR, DIBELS, DRA 2 (as needed) Literacy Interventions w/ Mrs. Hewitt beginning after completion of assessments (I will communicate your child’s need for Reading interventions with you)
The Writing Process Types of Writing Brainstorm Descriptive Paragraphs Draft Informative Paragraphs Edit Narrative Stories Revise Retells Final Letter Writing Poetry How-to Paragraphs Opinion Paragraphs
Math 12:25-1:30 enVision Math 2.0 (www.pearsonschool.com/envisionmath2) Mrs. Eddy-Interventionist and Enrichment (classroom inclusion and support this year) Online learning opportunities and activities will be available to do at home. Look for more information from me on how to log-in sometime within the next month. Download Bounce Pages App for homework help!
Spelling Treasures curriculum + “challenge” words weekly for each student More information will be communicated to you in mid-September with explicit details This year, students will be encouraged to study Spelling in a way that works best for them. A choice board of activities will be sent home for optional homework/practice. Weekly tests occur on Fridays.
Homework Math homework goes home each day and is returned the following day. 20 minutes of nightly Reading (independent or with a family member) Student completed independently & parent reviewed Optional Spelling menu and Reading log
AM Snack, Lunch & Recess Healthy & quick snack (fruit or vegetable) We are a Nut-Free classroom so please try to bring snacks that do not have nuts Lunch money & notes in envelope or baggie with child’s name on it Go to www.myschoolbucks.com ($1.00 service charge) to deposit money into your child’s account or please drop money directly at the front office or send with an older sibling
Communication jbeaven@psdschools.org Classroom phone: 488-4360 Bethke Website-->Mrs. Beaven’s website Newsletters via email and posted on my website **Email is the best way to reach me. I will respond within 24 hours during the school week.
School Birthday Policy Happy Birthday! No treats from home! Child will get to choose from a list of activities (or discuss ideas with teacher) to do with the class for 15 minutes to celebrate their birthday
Classroom Rules & Expectations Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Kind Show Integrity *BOB Bucks & Drawings* Stoplight (Be Our Best) Green Yellow (5 minutes of recess) Red (10 minutes of recess and Bethke Red Light Behavior Note)
Modular Safety 3-4 group classroom bathroom breaks throughout the day If needed, children will leave the classroom with another student buddy and will be monitored by Bethke staff member Modular door is always locked 360 degree security camera view Mrs. Alfonso and Mr. Gallagher visit frequently 3 o’clock messages are called to the room Inclement weather plan—in the a.m. students meet at our morning bathroom @ 8:15 and walk out with teacher @ 8:30
Business Notes Code of Conduct can be viewed online-one signed per student Student Verification Form-review, correct & return Parent Handbook Attendance line: 488-4301 Drop-off/pick-up procedures NO pick-up in the back by the buses Cross the street only at the crosswalks School Calendar on Bethke website Don’t drop off before 8:15 Tardy is after 8:35
Business Notes (continued) Walk bikes-kids & parents Parents enter through front door only & MUST sign in Microwave-4th & 5th grade only Tech-responsibility/cell phones NO toys at school (BASE Camp) Blue paw print stamp-one lunch left in cafeteria Eating with children in cafeteria 2 Field Trips taken this year to coincide with Core units (Westward Expansion and Life Cycles) MTSS-Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
MTSS-Multi-Tiered Systems of Support We are looking forward to a year of learning and partnership. Our goal is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment which recognizes, values, and affirms the worth of each individual in our learning community. We are committed to “Honoring All Learners” and helping every student succeed. Here at Bethke, we believe it is important for families and schools to work together and share the responsibility for student success. We value a team approach which includes you as an important member of the team. We recognize that you know your student best and will provide key insight into his/her strengths. We follow Colorado law and have a framework in place to support students within our school called Multi-Tiered System of Supports or MTSS. MTSS provides supports at different levels to ensure that all students succeed socially and academically. Our staff works together in teams, focusing on supports and solutions, to create positive experiences for students and to extend learning opportunities. If more intensive intervention is needed students may be referred to the MTSS committee. If your child is ever in need of intense intervention, his/her teacher will notify you, as your permission is required.
Volunteer Opportunities Room Parent – Carrie Dietrich
Thank you for coming! We are going to have a great year!