STEP – 1 The required file and the instruction sheet is uploaded on the course website Download the file and the instruction sheet. The instruction sheet has the information to download and install the software. Once the software is install Using the software open the file me_35a_bridge_design.bdc downloaded from the course website to load the required construction site to build the bridge
Load Existing Design
Load the file me_35a_bridge_design (downloaded from the course website)
STEP 2 Once uploaded the construction site can be seen Now step 2 is to place joints and members to build your bridge.
Given Construction Site Design Tools
GOAL OF THE PROJECT At the above given construction site – build a truss bridge at the lowest possible cost. The necessary instructions on the project can be found in the instruction sheet on the website Working of the software and building a bridge is briefly explained in this file.
Select to draw a joint
A joint is being placed by clicking here at the desired point
Select to draw a member The joints that were created
Truss members drawn
Shows total construction cost – Objective is to minimize this
Shows status of bridge – If working – Green, If under construction – yellow, If the bridge fails when load is applied - Red
Apply the load on the bridge to check if it works
Red – Oops..!! OUR BRIDGE FAILED..!! Red colour indicates the members that are failing – Now we need to modify the members
STEP 3: M ODIFYING THE MEMBER PROPERTIES We can change the following properties of the member: Material of the member Diameter of the member Cross-section of the member – Hollow or Solid cross- section
Material Properties of the material used – Shows the maximum tension and compression the member can withstand
Material of the Bar – Default is carbon steel. One can choose a superior material for higher strengths but it would be costly
C/S of the Bar – Solid or Hollow. Hint – Use Hollow c/s for members under compression & Solid for members under tension
Diameter of the Bar
Increase diameter of the Bar Decrease diameter of the Bar
Arrow tool to select elements Selected Elements – Lets now change their parameters as we have seen earlier
Diameter of these members have been increased now
STEP 4: C HECK BY LOADING THE BRIDGE We have now changed some property of the member and we would like to check if the bridge is stable now Lets apply the loading again as done earlier
Yahoo.. The members seem to be working well – they arent failing
Status is green – bridge is working fine – Excellent! Good job
However the cost seems to be high still
Check the load test report and see what you can change for each member
STEP 5: C ONTINUE THE ITERATE ON THE PROPERTIES OF ALL MEMBERS Now continue to check if you can change the properties of each member and the bridge still being stable. Do it on every member and see what is the lowest cost you can get up to
S UBMISSION Once you finish save the file as Last_name(s).bdc and mail to Further instructions for submission are in the instruction sheet that is available on the website
C RITICAL HINTS Load Test Report tells you if the member is in compression or tension. If subjected to: Tension – Use Solid Bars Compression – Use Hollow Bars Try to take advantage of symmetry. Many times taking 2 bars of same properties can be cheaper than using two of much inferior but different properties