Secrets of smoke extraction and HPWM in the new deep garage beside Hungarian Parliament Paris Compiled by: Márton Horváth Technical director Teljes körű tűzvédelem!! 1 TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary
Table of contents 2 1.Water mist basic information 2.Overview of building, photos 3.Relation between HPWM and smoke extraction 4.Savings 5.Initial dates for FDS simulation 6.Evaluations FDS simulation results Teljes körű tűzvédelem!! TŰZŐR Ltd. official distributor for Hungary
3 Combustible material ENERGY OXIGEN - Huge dropplet specific surface, enormous heat absorbtion, cooling Inside the flame zone the dropplets evaporate (1lit H2O=1760lit steam), this will reduce the O2 concentration to 16-17% 1.Enviromantally friendly 2.Rapid heat absorbtion 3.Effective fire control 4.Low water flow 5.No need of air tight room, (beside 3m/sec air velocity the HPWM is tested) 6.Is also appropriate for B class fires, hazardous liquid fires) without foam!!!! 7.Stainless steel piping, long life span BENEFITS Teljes körű tűzvédelem!! 1. Basic information of HPWM Effective Enviromentally friendly Long life span Low maintenance cost Expectation from a XXI. century extinguishing agent TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary
Before making decision to apply HPWM, it is improtant to be aware of benefits, and disadventages 4 BENEFITS Smaller pipe diameters branchlines mm (Sprinkler 33,7-60,3mm), Main lines 26,9-42,3mm (sprinkler mm) Long life span év (in case of sprinkler év) Smaller tank volume, and smaller footprint for pumproom (sprinkler tank typical 100m3 OH1-up to storage HH4 1200m3) HPWM has far less water demage after successful action HPWM can be applied to compensate the lack of fire resistance of building structures, walls windows facade elements Disadventage: HPWM more expensive pump technology, and expensive nozzles (spr nozzle 2-10EUR, HPWM EUR) Teljes körű tűzvédelem!! TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary
Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary 5 4 levels, 560car parking, m2 Almost 0 smoke extraction 50% reduction on smoke extraction
Relations between smoke extraction and HPWM in Hungarian National Regulation of Fire Safety Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary m3/h 1.Why do we need automatic fire fighting systems? More than one level underground garages must be equipped by automatic fire extinguishing system and detection system. 2.What would be the smoke extraction due to National Regulations? 541§ Machinery smoke extraction can ransom gravity natural smoke extraction. Each effective m2 open surface shall be considered as 2m3/sec machinery ventilation. For garages 1% of total fire section shall be the min open surface for natural smoke extraction. We have: 3750m2 maximum fire section 1% =37,5m2 smoke extraction x 2m3/sec= m3/h 3.How can we reduce smoke extraction, without loss of safety ? 506§ SUBJECT SMOKE EXTRACTION For non standardised cases, individual designed solutions must be controlled by computer simulations (software must be accepted by Hungarian Nationa Disaster Ministry=FDS). Due to this simulation we could reduce down to 0,5%.
Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd. official distributor for Hungary 7 4.Which are these paragraphs that support us optimising system? 507§ SUBJECT SMOKE EXTRACTION (1)The application of smoke extraction is forbidden for rooms where total flooding automatic fire fighting system is designed. (high expansion foam, gas, open nozzle HPWM) (2) For those rooms where water mist system is installed (bulb system), Hungarian National Disaster Ministry will define the need and density of smoke extraction. 5.How can we reduce the heat resistance requirements by HPWM? 515 § Smoke extraction equipments (fan motor, cable duct must be at least 400C° heat resistant for 90min operation designed. Due to the results of FDS simulation, the max temperature has been improved not to exceed 300C°.
3. SAVINGS Instead of 400C° resistant JET and extraction fans 300C ° installed, thanks to FDS simulation and HPWM. Saving on 50% of air volume (duct, cables, extraction fans) due to FDS simulation and HPWM -1 level total flooding system, open HPWM system, therefore we totally save smoke extraction for this level. Fans, cabling ducting Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary 8 Surplus cost for HPWM on conventional sprinkler system What benefits does the project win, by applying HPWM? 1.Reduced size of smoke extraction ducts on level -4, -3, -2 2.No smoke extraction on level -1 except evacuation corridors 3.Better fire suppression system 4.Long life span stainless steel piping 5.No ugly air intake and outlet louvers above ground, fit to architect design
4. Initial data's for FDS simulation Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd. official distributor for Hungary level ignited car position defined by authority -4. level ignited car position defined by authority 1 car 4,7MW Citroën Every 2nd parking place one car 9 nozzles and 6 smoke detection sensors added to simulation Fire section nr 1. Fire section nr 2. Fire section nr 1. Fire section nr 2. Air outlet Air inlet Excape stairs
Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary 10 Timing delay criteria for visibility Smoke detection system 2sec Preparation at fire department 120sec Arrival of fire brigade 2,2km*40km/h=198sec Access unpacking at destination180sec Total 500sec=8,3 minutes 2pcs OH2 upright nozzles will be activated Maximum temperature 277Celsius The visibility has to be checked after 8 minutes, so that the access to fire seat is ensured by smoke extraction 784l/min pump unit 7+1 due to the total flooding on -1 level
Visibility on – 4 level Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary 11
Water mist development -2 level Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary 12
-2 level Temperature y Full range of active fire fighting TŰZŐR Ltd official distributor for Hungary 13
Thank you for your attention! Questions? Full range of active fire fighting 14 TŰZŐR Kft a rendszerek hivatalos magyarországi képviselője