2013 Northcentral Region Construction Conference WisDOT - Bureau of Structures Brandan Burger & Dave Kiekbusch
Contact BOS – When & Why? Anything “structural” – change in loading, structural capacity, pile locations If in doubt, call us! See Structures Contacts Handout Remind Contractor to go thru Construction Staff for answers
Contractor Staking Measure Twice… Cut Once!
Removal Issues
Steel Shop Drawings & Fabrication Send electronic files via e-mail to: Craig Wehrle: Girders, rails, exp. joints, bearings, etc. Steel fabrication Who inspects?: BOS Structures Maintenance BOS hired Consultants
Shop Inspection Prestressed Concrete Girders Plant has one Quality Verification (QV) inspector Weekly approval @ plant - QV reports QV reports with girder acceptance recommendations are sent to region materials staff and forwarded to project personnel. Issues from the fabrication plant should NOT be re-visited at the job site. Final approval is made by project engineer at job site - any shipping or erection damage. Managed by Bureau of Technical Services Each plant has one Quality Verification (QV) inspector who is a consultant under contract to WisDOT. Approval at plant is weekly via QV inspection reports. QV reports with girder acceptance recommendations are sent to region materials staff and forwarded to project personnel. Issues from the fabrication plant should not be re-visited at the job site. Final approval is made by project engineers when girders are received at job site, which accounts for any shipping or erection damage.
Prestressed Girder Sweep Initial sweep is critical Fabricator’s responsibility Measured at the plant Long term sweep only a concern IF intermediate diaphragms don’t fit. Initial sweep is critical, is under the control of the fabricator, and is the fabricator’s responsibility. Measurements should be made just after form stripping and strand release in a “plant controlled” environment (no influence from temperature). If measured on bed, girder should be lifted and reset to free the ends. Measure sweep at the web mid-point utilizing a cotton or nylon string tied to the girder ends with sufficient tension and a conventional tape measure or ruler.
Exterior Girder Rotation Mostly occurs w/ steel & wide flange (>4’) prestressed girders Contractor’s responsibility Strapping top flanges & bracing bottom flanges NO welding to top flange of steel girders or prestressed girder rebar!
Strip Seal Joints Proper rebar clearance Release joint straps ASAP – before set
Anchor Bolt Projection Anchorage for Steel Railings Hold anchor bolts up – thread connection
Erosion/Grading @ Wings Plan details for fill at wing tips Proper Fill = Minimize Future Erosion
MSE Walls What to look for: Materials Backfill – Material, Compaction Reinforcement – Strap Placement Panels – Damage, Filter Fabric Construction – Obstructions Drainage If designed and built correctly = Quality Product
Ancillary Structures Overhead sign supports, sign bridges, traffic signal monotubes, high mast lighting poles Contractor’s responsibility Anchor bolt tensioning: DT2321 - each structure Submit to the engineer - permanent project records Engineer’s responsibility Contact region traffic or maintenance - set up inspection as soon as each structure is complete Overhead sign supports, sign bridges, traffic signal monotubes, high mast lighting poles Contractor must complete anchor bolt tensioning form DT2321 for each structure, submit to the engineer for inclusion in the permanent project records. Engineer should contact region traffic or maintenance individual responsible for setting up inspections as soon as each structure is complete
Ancillary Structures FOUNDATIONS: Too Low/Buried Too Low/Buried Removal of Excess Formwork Shaft/Bar Cage Not Plumb or Centered Missing Rodent Screen FOUNDATIONS: Too Low/Buried Removal of Excess Formwork Shaft/Bar Cage Not Plumb Missing Rodent Screen
Ancillary Structures ANCHOR BOLTS: Use of Lock Washer Out of Plumb Leveling Nuts Improper Tensioning ANCHOR BOLTS: Use of Lock Washer Out of Plumb Leveling Nuts Improper Tensioning
Ancillary Structures Bolted Connections: Missing Bolts on Truss Loose Bolts on Splice Prepped Splice Plates FOUNDATIONS: Missing Bolts on Truss – All bolts must be installed on the ground before uplift up to the towers Loose Bolts on Splice – 3 out of 8 bolts not tightening Prepped Splice Plates – Last photo shows dirt in between the splice plate. The plates should be clean and free of dirt
Ancillary Structures Bolted Connections: Faying Surface Gap Use of Lock Washer Incorrect Bolt Size/Length Bolted Connections: Faying Surface Gap – Friction Connection place oversized washer or filler plate in gap Use of Lock Washer – Shown harden Flat washer is O.K. Incorrect Bolt Size/Length
Ancillary Structures Sign Connections: Approved Hardware Oversized and slotted hole Over Tensioning Blank Signs and cover Bolted Connections: Approved Hardware – Photos 1 & 3 show inappropriate hardwares Oversized and Slotted Hole – Not allowed Over Tensioning - last photo shows cracked aluminum casting with over tensioning. Also shown uncoated bolts & Nut Blank Signs and Cover – Blank signs must be used per plan notes when permanent sign is not available. Permanent signs should be covered when they are not in use.
Reinforcement 505.3.4 Placing and Fastening Plastic chairs – support bottom mat of rebar Continuous chairs – support top mat of rebar off bottom mat NOT ALLOWED – individual plastic chairs to support top mat of rebar Reminder: Hardware incorporated in deck must be galvanized, epoxy coated, stainless steel, etc. Welding is not permitted on epoxy steel. 505.3.4 Placing and Fastening The contractor may use recycled plastic supports for a bottom layer of steel reinforcement which in turn supports upper layers on continuous bar chairs; but do not use individual plastic chairs to directly support upper layers. Reminder: Hardware incorporated in deck must be galvanized, epoxy coated, stainless steel, etc. Welding is not permitted on epoxy steel.
Driven Piles New Section 550: similar to STSP used for the last few years. Modified Gates – Required Driving Resistance Specification Covers: Steel, Cast in Place & Precast Concrete Piles Pile Points Providing test piles Driving piles Determining required driving resistance Preboring Pile redriving New Section 550: piling specifications that use a modified Gates formula to determine the required driving resistance Describes providing steel piles, cast in place concrete piles, and precast concrete piles; providing test piles; driving piles; determining required driving resistance; describes preboring or redriving.
Pile Splices Weld splices conforming to the AWS D1.1/D1.1M Structural Welding Code-Steel.
Pile Splices Contractor certifies the quality of field welds as follows: Designate who inspects welding. Must be an AWS certified welding inspector (CWI) or a department-approved individual. Evaluate field welding at suitable intervals. Complete DT2320 for each structure Submit form to the engineer - permanent project record. Certify the quality of field welds as follows: 1. Designate who will visually inspect the contractor’s welding. Must be an AWS certified welding inspector (CWI) or a department-approved individual. 2. Designated inspector must evaluate the field welding at suitable intervals. 3. Designated inspector must complete department form DT2320 for each structure and submit the form to the engineer for inclusion in the permanent project record.
Pile Splices If piles drive longer than plan length, pay for field splice Current policy: Splices paid as equivalent to the contract price for: HP piles = 9 feet per pile spliced Other piles = 6 feet per pile spliced ONE payment per pile. Possible revision for 2014 Additional payment under the Pile Splices administrative item for piles spliced in the field if the required driving resistance cannot be achieved in the length the plans show. Pay an amount equivalent to the contract price for 9 feet of piling for each HP pile spliced and for 6 feet of piling for each pile for other pile types. ONE payment per pile. Possible revision for 2014.
Painting Exposed Piling Section 550.3.11.3 Painting: See the department’s approved product list “Paint Systems for Exposed Piling”
526.3.3 Temporary Structures Inspect temporary structures before opening to traffic Conform to NBIS & department’s structure inspection manual Guidance in CMM: Chapter 5 Structures Contractor’s Responsibility Included in ASP 6 Submit DT2007 to the engineer & BOS Maintenance Section Inspector must be department-certified active team leader List online – see CMM Included in ASP 6 Inspect temporary structures conforming to the National Bridge Inspection Standards and the department’s structure inspection manual before opening to traffic. Submit inspection reports on department form DT2007 to the engineer and electronic copies to the department's bureau of structures maintenance section. Ensure that a department-certified active team leader, listed online in the department's highway structures information system (HSIS), performs the inspections. Construction and Materials Manual: Chapter 5 – Structures, Section 65 – Temporary Structures
Bridge Approaches New Structural Approach Slabs US Highways & Interstates
Accelerated Bridge Construction Every Day Counts – FHWA Initiative Bridge Manual – ABC chapter Completed WisDOT projects: Precast deck panels, abutments & pier caps; Inverted T girders; Superstructure lateral slides; Geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) abutments
Accelerated Bridge Construction Upcoming WisDOT projects: Self-Propelled Modular Transporter (SPMT), precast columns and pier cap, precast inverted T WisDOT continues to look for projects where ABC provides clear benefits.
Conclusion Call us with Questions We look forward to another great year of bridge construction!
Any Questions?