Thursdays and Fridays-8:50am Mrs. Hebel’s 1st Grade Island Times October 3, 2016 – October 7, 2016 610-562-8608 ext. 4115 Special Schedule Monday, 10/3 – P.E. Tuesday, 10/4 – Music Wednesday, 10/5 – Library Thursday, 10/6 – P.E. Friday, 10/7 – Art Upcoming Events Friday, October 7, 2016 2:30pm Dismissal Crazy Hair Day Exercise Club – Thursdays and Fridays-8:50am Hot Topics Math – In math this week we will continue practicing counting forward and backward, from 1 to 30. We will be subtracting one quantity from another. We will also solve and record solutions for subtraction story problems. Unit 1 test will be on Friday. Fundations – Unit 2 Week 2 will focus on learning to tap and say words and then blend them together to make words. Students will also learn to spell trick words such as and, of and the. We will also practice writing sentences. Scholastic Online Code: HZZ2K NEWS Team of the Week – Congratulations to GREEN team for earning the most tallies by working together as a team. Way to go!!!! Sight Word practice – Some students will be bringing home a sight word folder every day. If your child brings this home, please have them practice reading the highlighted words and sentences on a nightly basis. Book It! – Papers and calendars will came home today. This is a voluntary reading challenge sponsored by Pizza Hut. If you child meets the reading goal for the month, they will receive a free personal pan pizza coupon. Writing - Students will hear a story called: When I Grow Up. In this story Sebastian the turtle tells his dad what he wants to be when he grows up. After discussing different ideas of what the students want to be when they grow up students will begin to write sentences using the prompt, “I want to be…” Students will learn to reread their writing and then add more details to their writing and illustrations.