Leveraging Glass Panel Simulator Usage Mark W. Parrish Simulator Coordinator Hope Creek Generating Station PSEG Nuclear LLC
What is the problem with dogs chasing cars?
What is the challenge with purchasing a Glass Panel Simulator(GPS)? How do you effectively use the GPS?
Two leveraged uses of the GPS Design Change Package (DCP) testing and familiarization. Non-Licensed Operator Training (NLO)
Outage plant changes challenge Hope Creek Outage April-May 2018 Install Power Range Neutron Monitoring (PRNM) Replace Reactor Recirculation Motor Generating sets with Variable Frequency Drives Power Uprate (1.6%) Feedwater measurement instrumentation replacement Replace Safety Relief Valve (SRV) with 3 stage Upgrade the ECCS/RCIC modeling to THOR
PRNM Hardware VFD Soft Panels PRNM Soft Panels Plant Computer Displays VFD HMI
14 Networked Devices (NUMAC and ODA) PRNM Main Simulator 14 Networked Devices (NUMAC and ODA) 4 Protection Modules interfaced via I/O. Miscellaneous lights interfaced via I/O. New and reconfigured switches interface via I/O Networked items were tested on GPS. I/O items were tested with soft panel drawings.
PRNM GPS implemetation Soft panels for both front and back panels. NUMAC pop-up emulations.
Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) Implementation Main Simulator Reconfigure Panels for new components (I/O) changes. Add two Human Machine Interface (Display and computer integrated units). Used Thunderview drawings vice Seimens software. Glass Panel Simulator New soft panels for panels. Soft panel displays for the HMIs.
VFD HMI Display Panel Controls
Reasons to use the GPS Main simulator hardware installation would not occur until 2 weeks before outage. How to test both the hardware and the software – Main Simulator and GPS. How train operators for significant DCPs but minimize impact on outage resources. Procedure Validation Verify simulator interface to plant computer (approx. 600 points added to the plant computer). Training material development for simulator training.
GPS Usage Challenges Getting the equipment early. Getting soft panel drawings and model upgrades created in sufficient time. The PLANT will change during DCP installation. Resources to complete the GPS testing before operator demonstrations and before main simulator testing. What portion of the GPS testing is acceptable for Main simulator testing? Can using the GPS be considered simulator training?
Student Comments “All system topics should include the glass panel” “Best training” “It is great to be able to respond to a panel and perform a task like we would at the plant” “GPS allows us to respond and troubleshoot in a way that isn’t possible in a classroom lecture” “GPS allows us to watch and critique each other to become better as a team”
Recent Student Comments “Using the Glass Panel Simulator is the only reason to come to training.” “Every lecture should include using the Glass Panel Simulator.” Non-licensed Operator Continuing Training
Examples of Non-Licensed Operator Training RBVS local panel alarm response (trip of RBVS fan, multiple combinations of failures) Stator Water Cooling local panel alarm response (trip of SWC pump, failure of STBY pump to start) H2 Seal Oil panel alarm response (trip of Main Seal oil pump, failure of emergency seal oil pump to start)
Hope Creek GPS In-Plant Panels Following In-plant Panels are modeled have soft panel drawings: Diesel Panels (One of four EDGs) Feedwater Heaters (One of three trains) Service Air Compressors (One compressor – Part of second) Reactor Building Ventilation (Entire panel) Turbine Building Cooling Temperature Controls (Entire Panel) Steam Seal Evaporator (All Panels) Service Water Spray Wash local controls. (One of four trains) Safety Auxiliary Cooling water controls (One of four trains – part of second panel) Variable Frequency Drive Cooling (New) How do you get inplant panel drawings and modeling?
Example of one NLO Training Exercise Reactor Building Ventilation System Three Exhaust Fans Three Supply Fans Dampers Challenges for operation Four power supplies used for the three channels of fans Auto Start after 90 seconds of low flow Require 2 Exhaust Fans for one Supply Fan Controls must be placed to stop before going from auto to on.
Training Activity Trip a RBVS exhaust fan. Have NLO respond using plant procedures. Have other NLO provide feedback to the operator. Instructor guide the NLO discussion. Tie back to the classroom training. Outcomes Student understanding improved. Procedure improvements Experienced NLO providing mentoring to other NLO.
Keys for successful NLO Use an experienced simulator instructor. Create a positive atmosphere for the non-licnensed operators Use simple but challenging conditions.
Future of NLO Training Three 84” 4K monitors. Allows display more of the inplant controls at one time. Potentially interface to main simulator for joint NLO/Licensed Training
Positive engagement of NLO in training. Conclusions GPS Usage for DCPs Using the GPS for DCP changes resulted in better understanding of new systems for licensed operators. Testing developed and performed on GPS improved the efficiency of Main Simulator testing. NLO operator training Positive engagement of NLO in training. Team learning of system dynamics
Decisions are always imperfect! - Theodore Isaac Rubin