कक्षा -10 अध्याय-15
हमें क्या सीखना है For Teachers Click on the topic
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For more exercise questions refer to book
सारांश 1 2 3 4 5 6
INSTRUCTIONS FOR TEACHERS Whenever you see a hand instead of an arrow while moving the mouse, you need to click on it, it could be a link to any important video, image, sound etc. A home page symbol is given at the extreme right hand corner of each slide . Clicking the home icon would lead you to Home page from where you can access and show any specific slide/topic of the lesson. A book link has been given on each slide next to the home icon. On clicking it, NCERT book will open. The hyperlink to the videos have been given to a specific images of camera/ television/cameraman etc. next to the book icon on slides as per the requirement. In case the hyperlink is not working, you can show important videos form the raw material folder titled as videos. During slideshow, Press F1 for help.
REFERENCES http://www.animationlibrary.com http://www.animationsplayhouse.com http://www.heatheranimations.com http://www.ilovewavs.com http://www.images.google.co.in http://www.ncert.nic.in http://www.youtube.com NCERT BOOKS