Earth Day Correctly answer each question to learn 10 Earth facts. Copy them down to keep track. If a question repeats, you’ve made a mistake along the way.
What is the largest body of water surrounding Ios, Greece ? Bermuda Triangle Red Sea Mediterranean Sea Indian Ocean
What animals live in Ios , Greece ? Swordfish Leatherback Fire Salamander Starfish
What do swordfish eat ? Birds sharks eels squids
Where are swordfish found? land warm & temperate oceans cold & temperate oceans cave
What is the swordfish enemy? Short fin Mako Eel Dolphin Killer whale
How long can a swordfish grow? 1-2 inches 12.65 meters 177 inches 2 meters
How do they attack their prey? eats leftovers fight and stab hit and run Eats small fishes
How fast can swordfish swim ? 35 mph 20 mph 73 mph 60 mph
What is the swordfishes behavior from other animals ? Watch their territory Hover around their prey Long bill a threat Swim away from harm
How do swordfish have sex ?
177 in.
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