Tutor time quiz 12th - 16th November 2018 What kind of army is Emmanuel Macron campaigning for? What did Jacob Reece-Mogg write last week? What has a London branch of Budgen’s supermarket become the first supermarket to do in Britain? Who turned 90 at the weekend? Who scored England’s winning goal against Croatia to put them through to the Nation’s League semi-finals? Who has Netflix poached from the BBC? How much did Children in Need raise this year? What tweet was President Trump heavily criticised for? What unexpected side effect did Ross Edgley suffer whilst carrying out his record-breaking swim around Great Britain? What reality TV show started its 18th series last week?
A joint European army A letter of no confidence in Theresa May Introduce plastic-free aisles Mickey Mouse Harry Kane David Attenborough £50.6 million Blaming the California forest fires on the mismanagement of the forests He lost parts of his tongue I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!