Кyiv, 2013 The Group of Companies ND specialized presentation: Fuel dispensers under the brand ND-DISPENSER.
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Contents 3 1.Presentation of the manufacturer of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER 2.Description of models and varieties of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER 3.Functional characteristics of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER 4.The main parameters and indicators of fuel-dispensing units: - electrical characteristics; - design features; - mass-and-dimensioning data on models; - metrological parameters; - safety and vandal-resistant parameters; - reliability and durability parameters; 5. Characteristic features of the used constituent parts 6. Technical exploitation advantages of fuel dispensers 7. Characteristic features of external design of fuel dispensers 8. Built-in inside the fuel dispensers payment terminals ND SELF-POS 9. Dispensers in the System of the information integration ND-OFFICE
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Presentation of the manufacturer of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER 4 Fuel dispenser ND-DISPENSER is developed by construction department of the enterprises of the Group of Companies «ND». Fuel dispenser is produced on production capacities of «ND TECHNOLOGY» company. In the structure of fuel dispenser constituent parts of all enterprises of GC «ND» are used. In the course of development whole accumulated for 20 years work experience in development and maintenance of radio-technical and mechanical decisions for filling stations and petroleum storage depots has been used. In construction, development, designing and production of fuel dispenser ND-DISPENSER the following companies are taken part: «NEFTEGAZ ТECH», «ND TECHNOLOGY», «ND DATECS», «ARGUS – SECURITY SYSTEMS», «SERVICE-NS». Warranty and post-warranty technical maintenance can be carried out by service network from more than 50 representative Centers of service maintenance (CSM) on the territory of Ukraine and others countries. Specialized reliable warranty and post-warranty service is provided including own service companies, which are members of the Group of Companies «ND»: «SERVICE-CRIMEA», «SERVICE-ZAHID», «SERVICE-GALYCHYNA», «SERVICE-DNEPR», «SERVICE-VOSTOK», «SERVICE-SAMARA», «SERVICE-BUG». Together with fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER cash registers and management systems of all Ukrainian and majority of world manufacturers can be exploited.
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Model line of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER 5 All without exception models of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER relate to premium- class, i.е. do not relate to Low-Cost sector. Depending on functional purpose and type of filling stations, on which fuel-dispensing units will be exploited, fuel dispensers are supplied in three performances: 1.ND-DISPENSER-MINIMA: - performance of basic functions on fuel release; - new four-line display panels of the client; - work according to ND protocols with management systems and cash registers; - appropriate for easy clients; 2. ND-DISPENSER-STANDART: - performance of standard functions on fuel release; - integrated client panel with visual representation of additional information on fuel types, advertising field («roll captions»), with other multimedia functions; - delivery possibility under different types of control protocols; - the best decision for popular networks of filling stations; 3. ND-DISPENSER-ULTRA: - distinguished with improved design, voicing of client actions; - multimedia screen for the client, delivery is possible with different systems of self-service in one- and two-side variants; - supplied with hydraulic aggregates of advanced reliability.
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Description of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER with satellite 6
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 The main know-how in fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER 7
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Functional characteristics of fuel dispensers 8 Fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER are designed for measuring of fuel volume and delivery (petrol, diesel fuel, kerosene), fuel combustible mixtures; This scale of fuel dispensers is represented with multiproduct fuel-dispensing units: number of hoses - from 1 to 10, number of products - from 1 to 5; Performance of fuel dispensers corresponds to the demands of safety, accepted worldwide; Fuel dispensers are produced in different variants of climatic performance for temperate and tropical climate; Fuel dispensers are packaged depending on functional purpose and customer request can be of pressure type or built-in pumps; Because of wide model line fuel dispensers can be used in usual and automatic filling stations (in such variant fuel-dispensing units are supplied with built-in payment terminals); Specialized satellites ND-DISPENSER are produced for packing of fuel dispensers; Fuel dispensers can be supplied with built-in terminals TZK-ND (euro mode for Ukrainian market and similar)
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 The main parameters and indicators of fuel dispensers 9 Electrical characteristics: -Power of electric motors of hydraulic aggregates – from circuit 220V or 380V 50…60hz; -Consumed power – less than 6kW; -Power supply of inner electric systems - +5, +12, +24V; -Earthing is required for the equipment; -Connection interface of electronics with control systems and cash registers – RS-485; Design features: -Housing from metal, stainless steel; -Anticorrosion coating of structural components; -Performance of electronic blocks and actuating mechanisms – for temperate climate or tropics; -Inner system for providing of microclimate; Mass-and-dimensioning data (4 fuel types)*: -Boundary dimensions of dispensing unit х520х1730; -Boundary dimensions of satellite - 170(250)х250х1730; -Mass of dispensing unit – less than 800 kg; -Cargo weight – less than 1200 kg; * Boundary and coupling sizes of fuel dispensers with different number of products/valves are introduced in technical documentation of the manufacturer Metrological parameters: -Accuracy of fuel release ±0,25%; -Minimal dose of fuel order – 2 liters; -Productivity of dispensing unit – 40…80 l/min.; Reliability and durability parameters: -Own certified production areas; -Use of high-quality materials; -Equipment has certificates of international pattern; -Constituent parts of leading European manufacturers; -Production standards, proved with time and projects; -Quality management system ISO9001:2008; Safety and vandal-resistant parameters: -All elements of hydraulic aggregates have explosion-resistant performance; -Steam recuperation system is used (option functional); -Electronic module for monitoring of safety and telemetry (optionally), inner time of fuel dispensers are proposed; -Structure of the housing foresees maximum necessary resistance to external physical effects – vandal-resistnace; -Shock-protected glasses and plastic elements of the plate are used.
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Characteristic features of the used constituent parts 10 High-quality hydromodules Bennett T-75 and dosemeters SB-100*; Delay valves for advance payment – of Danfoss production; Inlet non-expendable filters with back valves; Electronic and electromechanical counters to every kind of fuel; Flexible bellows for connection of fuel-dispensing units to pipelines; Safety valves OPW under fuel-dispensing units – for pressure dispensing units; Automatic filling pistols ZVA with switch-off function; Freeze-resistant hoses Elaflex; cut-off clutch OPW; LCD and TFT-displays with electronic display notes on programmed languages; Electronics and production management blocks of the ND TECHNOLOGY company; Built-in payment terminals of the production company NEFTEGAZ TECH. * Essential requirement of the manufacturer: fuel dispensers relates to premium-class, that is why the installation of the constituent parts of doubtful origin for decreasing of costs or in other reasons is not provided.
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Technical exploitation advantages 11 Mounting convenience Service convenience Low owning cost Maximum control Installation quality and speed increases by means of: -Circumspect design of fuel dispenser unit; -Successfully placed modules and nozzles to them; -Low weight and structural stiffness of fuel dispenser; -Convenient and accesible fixation places to foundation frame; -Plug connection of electrical and signal cables; -Use of unified accessible service tool and devices. Convenience and service timeliness is achieved by means of: -Use of available in any territory details and modules of fuel dispensers, adjustment simplicity of electronics; -Convenient arrangement of all models and details (valves, filters, nozzles, valve cocks, connecting rods, bellows, etc.); -Providing of pipe connections with sealing rings for prevention of leakage and service simplification; -Stability of communication protocol with control system, possibility of remote access to electronics. Low owning cost for account of: -Materials for performance of frame and external details are as much as possible resistant to corrosion; -Absence of external joint welds, a lot of plastics and inexpensive durable glass; -Minimal number of joints and connections in hydraulics; -Maximum convenient access to engine and pump block; -Common maintenance department of GC «ND»: fuel-dispensing units, level gages, cash registers, software, etc. Maximum control and safety thanks to: -Valves mounted after the volumeter: the best air separation and high measuring accuracy; -Possibility of electronics connection of fuel dispenser to the level gage UUS for automatic calibration of tanks; -Absence of necessity of opening of compartments of fuel dispensers for calibration; -Absence of possibility of fraud of the electronics of the dispenser: monitoring of electric resistance of blocks, protocol sensors, etc…
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Characteristic features of external design of fuel dispensers 12 For painting modern paint materials, resistant to attrition and little scratch are used; Coatings provide protection of metal details from action of atmosphere factors in whole range of working temperatures and moisture to 100%; Increased resistance to the ultraviolet will allow retaining of colors of fuel dispensers always bright; Before coating of paint all surfaces are additionally treated with ZRC (zinc-rich compositions); In the basis of proposed anticorrosion compositions principles are lying, used in construction of systems of protection coatings of increased safety, widely used in world practice (ISO :1998). Additional services at delivery of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER: Painting in colors RAL optionally; Decoration in corporate design; Decoration with ORACAL pellicle*; Designing and production of decoration elements (plastic, metal); Further development of design of housing elements. * Structure of pillar under electronics of fuel dispenser allows realizing not used previously original interesting color decisions.
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Payment terminals in fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER 13 Fuel dispensers are produced in classical performance and with built-in inside the housing control/payment terminals. Models ND-DISPENSER-STANDART and ND-DISPENSER- ULTRA can be equipped with terminals. The most popular built-in inside the fuel dispensers terminals: Preselection keyboard of dose or sum of order (standard functional of fuel dispensers); Keyboard of choosing of payment type for fuel (cash/coupons, works together with cash register or control system); Terminal for fuelling start TZK-ND (choice of one of 5 types of payment, reading of cards of service station attendants for permission of fuel release from fuel-dispensing unit, arrangement of terminal on each side of fuel dispensers, works together with cash register or control system); Terminal GPS-797 for maintenance of bank cards or cards of fuel payment systems (noncontact cards, arrangement of terminal on each side of fuel dispensers lower compartment with electronics, works together with cash register or control system); Terminal for fuel quota redeem (can be fixed from the face end of fuel dispensers or on the sides, works autonomously or together with control system); Automatic payment terminal ND SELF-POS with maximum set of functional possibilities, acceptance of all existing in the country types of payment (including, cash paper money), output of electronic odd money, built-in video observation and telemetry systems, mounted in one fuel dispenser terminal can control all dispensers on the said filling station, joint work with other types of built-in terminals on the other fuel dispensers and together with stationary cash registers in operators room is possible.
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Delivery of fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER together with box ND ECO-BOX 14
The Group of Companies ND, 2013 Fuel dispensers ND-DISPENSER in the System of information integration ND-OFFICE 15 Enterprises of Group of Company «ND» are suppliers of technical and technological decisions for complex automation of business processes fuel work. GC «ND» has started its activity from creation and introduction of cash equipment, then software and hardware complex ND-OFFICE has been produced, after that ultrasonic level gage-signalling device UUS-01 has been developed and started to produce, and hardware complex ND-OIL has been developed for automation of petroleum storage depots… From the beginning of 2013 enterprises of GC «ND» logically continued line of produced equipment. Fuel dispenser of premium-class ND-DISPENSER has been developed. Dispenser absorbed experience and results, which GC «ND» has been gathering during 20 years. Thanks to designed functional and technical characteristics, fuel dispenser is harmonically fall into general conception of complex automation of filling business by means, proposed by «ND» developers. In production of fuel dispensers only the most reliable constituent parts and modules are used. The special attention is paid in order that addition fund will be unified and accessible in any country of the world, that existing service centers easily switch on service of new equipment. We hope that new fuel dispenser please all users!