Practice! First Grade End of year Breakfast I, a, the, like, and, it, at, see, to, is, can, we, go, look, am, are, in, they, for, from, you, my, me, said, here, come, play, love, he, she, an, do, will, with, one, four, ten, into, help, this, that, his, her, eight, have, be, all, now, find, was, of, yes, no, word, make, your Question Words: Who, what, when, where, why? Color Words: orange, black, brown, green, red, blue, purple, pink, white, yellow Kinder Words Mrs. Clevenger Practice! Your, color, friend, their, there, some, does, goes, been, put, want, done, sure, don’t, won’t, bought, brought, fought, thought, could, should, would, school, says, give, live, people, eye, move, any, many, another, brother, mother, other, only, something, answer, were, early, earth, heard, learn, work, world, once, together, tomorrow, again, country, because, America, animal, change, danger, strange, stranger, often, enough, rough, tough, every, very, father, through * Thank you parents! 5/31-Early Release 6/1-Last day of school! 5/31-Early Release 6/1-Last Day of School & Early Release 6/2 & 6/3-Bad weather days First Grade Words Practice! End of year Breakfast 8:15 on 6/1