Welcome To Back To School Night Please write your name, child’s name, phone number, and email address on the fill in sheet on the table Science Room 406 Mrs. Fredericks
What is my why? Becoming a teacher to me is more than just a job. It is a privilege, a mission, and responsibility. I believe that every student has the potential to become unique individuals. Especially in a world that is continuously changing. It is my goal to have students grow in all aspects to become successful in their lives and the world. Students need to be able to explore, build their knowledge, and experience higher active learning roles. As we grow as a team, I am sure we will be able to reach this goal and more.
Rules 101 Being Late If you do not have a pass and you come late to homeroom, you will be marked down as late (with the time you arrived to class). Talking Use your indoor voice! Please do not talk while others are talking or be disruptive. Being Disrespectful Always be respectful to your peers and the teachers in the room. Missing Work Students are responsible for all missing work and their grades. They should always see the teacher if they are concerned about their grade or to get missing work 1.Warning 2.Parent Call Home 3. Detention
7th Grade Curriculum Life Science Unit 1 Characteristics of Life Unit 2 Cells Unit 3 Muscle / Nervous System Unit 4 Energy Unit 5 Heredity Unit 6 Natural Selection/Variation Unit 7 Ecology/Energy flow/Human Impact
Grading System Check Status Rubric Score Percentage Grade% TASKS per marking period Estimated Frequency for each Marking Period Grade Percentages for Tasks % MAJOR 70% Project/Problem Based Learning TBD 30 Lab Investigations 20 TESTS/CER MINOR 30% Class Assignments 10 Quizzes/Notebook 15 Homework 5 Check Status Rubric Score Percentage Grade% Letter Grade CHECK + + 4 100-90 95 A CHECK + 3 89-80 85 B CHECK 2 79-70 77 C CHECK - 1 69-67 71 D CHECK - - 66 -0 65 F
Weekly Grade Reports
1 on 1 Chrome Books Evolution of the classroom and technology Career Preparation Flexibility and Exploration Set goals for students and teachers Engagment Communincation Chromebooks are Green – Saves paper!
Genesis is a way for students and parents to keep up with date with grades, attendance, and important information. All student’s grades will be posted on Genesis and by student ID in the classroom weekly. I encourage all students/parents to contact me if there are any questions or concerns about a student’s grade. I would recommend that students come during office hours. ***All students are responsible for their own grade*** I always strongly encourage students to talk to me if they have any questions.
Google Classroom Students will be using Google Classroom. Google classroom is a way for students and parents to keep up to date with assignments, homework, and important news/updates. Students should check into Google Classroom every day. Homework and assignments will be posted onto Google Classroom, with due dates, and students are expected to finish assignments posted on time. In order for students to access Google Classroom, students will need an access code. The codes for students to access their google classroom have been shown in class and are on my Teacher page.
Things About Mrs. Fredericks I graduated from Rutgers University I love to sing and go to the beach