Science Starter You will have 15 minutes when the clock begins to setup and prep your functional heart Make sure you have gone over the check list and graded yourself You will have one opportunity for a “pass” after the first 15 minutes, make sure you use this to fix anything last minute!
Today’s Agenda Functional Heart Demonstrations Blood Cell Graphic Organizer Aterieral Lines & Hematomas Functional Heart Project Write Up
Blood Cell Graphic Organizer Pick up a blue sheet Go to my website ( Click on the link “Blood Cell Notes” Use the notes to fill out the graphic organizer
Arterial Lines & Hematomas
Functional Heart Project Write Up Write at least one paragraph for each of the numbers 2. Describe the method of creating the 3-D heart 3. Individual contributions to the assignment and challenges presented 4. Discuss the benefits of constructing the 3-D heart and take a ways from the project.