Important history background The Crucible Important history background
Columbus 1492 Didn’t think the world was flat! Was trying to get to India
Jamestown 1607 First “successful” English Colony
Plymouth Colony 1620 Founded by Puritans Eventually merged with Massachusetts Bay Colony- 1691
Puritan Called themselves Separatists Wanted to separate from the Church of England and create a stricter church Very focused on sin Believed in predestination- God already knows who is saved Believed in demons and witches- as did most Christians then
Salem Witch Trial 1692-1693 Series of witch trials in Salem, Danvers, Andover, Ipswich Spectral Evidence- only the word of the “afflicted” Jealousy, frustration, ignorance
Witch Old English “wiċċe”- sorcerer- associated with Celtic Paganism King James Bible- 1611-Exodus 22:18 "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live“ Hebrew: kashaph or kesheph –poisoner- evil magician Witches were thought to make a deal with the devil for powers Usually women, but could be men Lots written about how to find and “test” witches
Communism Revolutionary movement to achieve a classless, moneyless society with common ownership of the means of production Associated with the USSR and single party systems Associated with state repression, violence, secret police, lack of freedom
Socialism (Democratic Socialism) Government practices to redistribute wealth and help alleviate poverty - severity varies Many European countries and Canada have democratic socialist parties and policies Universal Healthcare, Free Education, Progressive Income Tax, Government owned services
Joseph McCarthy House Un-American Activities Committee People were afraid of Communism Targets were people in government, entertainment, unions, educators Targets were forced to name other communists or lose their jobs, money, property Vast majority had no real ties to communists The real target was obscenity or immorality- Kissing in movies, swearing, premarital sex