Industrial Revolution: Radical Responses
Question: How should society address the concerns of industrialization?
Solution?: Do Nothing
Who Support this? Capitalists Gov’t should take a “hands-off” approach to economy Businesses should be free to make $$ any way they can Free markets and supply and demand determine prices, wages, etc.
Why? Rules and regulations prevent businesses from making $$ Rules and regulations take away individual freedom
Capitalism helps spark IR Innovation! More goods! Cheaper goods! Ability to make lots of $$$! Great Exhibition of 1851
Many blame capitalism for problems of the IR
Solution? Reorganize Society
Who also Supports this? Socialists Gov’t’s role is to help make society more equal Gov’t should regulate economy in order to end this inequality
How to achieve socialist change?
How? Evolutionary Socialism Change comes through reform via peaceful democratic processes Socialism and democracy can work together. Socialists work within the system and push for legislative change Democratic governments should promote economic - as well as political - freedom & equality.
Socialist Parties Emerge UK: Fabian Socialists: late 1800s; morphs into Labour Party in early 1900s Germany: Social Democrats: late 1800s;push for working class reforms France: French Socialist Party; late 1800s-1900s
How? Marxist Revolution!
Karl Marx Karl Marx published Communist Manifesto in 1848 with co-author Frederick Engels. Critical of changes made by Industrial Revolution
Karl Marx’s key ideas Society’s problems comes from class conflict 19th century conflict: bourgeoisie (haves) v. proletariat (have-nots) Ind Rev has exacerbated class divisions Solution: End class division How? Revolution!!! Result: Perfect classless society
Step #1: Violent Revolution!!!! Proletariat must join together: “Workers of the world, unite!” Proletariat will then overthrow the bourgeoisie!!
Step #2: State socialism Proletariat takes over government and creates temporary dictatorship Dictatorship forces changes in order to reshape society (redistribution of $$ and resources) How long will it last? Unknown
Step #3: Communism!!! Everyone has $$ and resources needed No need for central government; everyone shares wealth Class divisions eliminated Society’s problems go away
Where First?
Then the world….
And Eventually: Global Communist Utopia