Elizabeth Examination Question Homeworks
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Elizabeth Writing Frames Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks – 6 mins) [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ}…is… [EVIDENCE] It was….(describe)… [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ} is… Question 3 (i) or (ii): (16 marks + 4 SPAG – 22 MINS) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree [POINT] I would agree that …(WFTQ)…because… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This supports the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This means that…. Therefore… [POINT] However I would disagree that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… [POINT] Furthermore I would disagree that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This meant that…. [CONCLUSION] In conclusion it is clear that …(WFTQ)… because…. Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L1 Exam Question Homework Describe two key features of Elizabeth’s reign. Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks – 6 mins) [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ}…is… [EVIDENCE] It was….(describe)… [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ} is…
L2 Exam question homework: Explain why England was so divided in terms of religion. (12 marks – 18mins) Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L3 Exam Question Homework Explain why Elizabeth faced problems when she became queen in 1558. Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L4 Exam Question Homework Explain why the Catholics were a threat to Elizabeth. Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L5 Exam Question Homework Explain why being a woman was a problem for Elizabeth. Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
3 paragraphs outlining 3 of Elizabeth’s problems. L6 Homework - Essay ‘ Elizabeth’s femininity was the greatest problem that she faced when she became queen in 1558.’ How far do you agree with this statement? 3 paragraphs outlining 3 of Elizabeth’s problems. 1 conclusion reaching a final judgement about whether it was Elizabeth’s femininity or another factor which was her greatest problem when she became queen in 1558. Word Bank Legitimacy, religious dilemma, invasion, succession, Privy Council, significant threat, prioritise and immediately
L7 Exam Question Homework Explain why some people were angry at Elizabeth’s religious settlement Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L8 Exam Question Homework Describe two key features of the Puritans Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks – 6 mins) [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ}…is… [EVIDENCE] It was….(describe)… [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ} is…
L9 Exam Question Homework Explain why Catholics were opposed to Elizabeth’s regin. Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
Explain why Elizabeth had not ended religious problems by 1569. L11 Homework - Judgement Explain why Elizabeth had not ended religious problems by 1569. Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was… Word Bank: Supreme Governor, Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity, Communion Service, Latin Mass, Puritans, Catholics, Spain, Mary Queen of Scots, Recusant, Abdicate, Moderate, Compromise, enforce, leniency, challenge
L12 The Revolt of the Northern Earls was not a significant threat to Elizabeth. How far do you agree? (16 marks + 4 SPAG – 22 MINS) [POINT] I would agree that …(WFTQ)…because… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This supports the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This means that…. Therefore… [POINT] However I would disagree that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… [POINT] Furthermore I would disagree that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This meant that…. [CONCLUSION] In conclusion it is clear that …(WFTQ)… because….
L13 Exam Question Homework Describe two key features of the Ridolfi Plot Describe two key features of the Throckmorton Plot Describe two key features of the Babington Plot Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks – 6 mins) [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ}…is… [EVIDENCE] It was….(describe)… [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ} is…
L14 Exam Question Homework Describe two key features of Sir Francis Walshingham’s spy system. Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks – 6 mins) [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ}…is… [EVIDENCE] It was….(describe)… [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ} is…
L 14 Exam question Homework: Explain why Mary, Queen of Scots was executed in 1587 12 marks Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L 15 Homework: Explain why a rivalry had developed between England and Spain by 1570. (12 marks – 18 mins) Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L 17 Homework: Explain why the English defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588. (12 marks – 18 mins) Question 2: Explain why…(12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L18 Exam Question Homework Describe two key features of the Elizabethan education system. Describe two key features of Elizabethan theatre. Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks – 6 mins) [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ}…is… [EVIDENCE] It was….(describe)… [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ} is…
L20 – Poverty in Elizabethan England was the fault of the government L20 – Poverty in Elizabethan England was the fault of the government. How far do you agree with this statement? Question 3 (i) or (ii): (16 marks + 4 SPAG – 22 MINS) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree [POINT] I would agree that …(WFTQ)…because… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This supports the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This means that…. Therefore… [POINT] However I would disagree that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… [POINT] Furthermore I would disagree that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This meant that…. [CONCLUSION] In conclusion it is clear that …(WFTQ)… because….
L21 – Exam questions Homework Question 2: Explain why English sailors went on so many voyages during Elizabeth’s reign. (12 marks – 18mins) [POINT] One reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This meant that….because… Therefore… [POINT] The final reason why…(WFTQ)…is… [CONCLUSION] In conclusion, the most important reason why ….WFTQ…was…
L22 Exam Question Homework Describe two key features of Drake’s Circumnavigation of the earth. Question 1: Describe two features of… (4 marks – 6 mins) [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ}…is… [EVIDENCE] It was….(describe)… [POINT] One feature of… {WFTQ} is…
L23 – Drake’s circumnavigation was the most important voyage made by the English from 1558 – 1588. How far do you agree with this statement? Question 3 (i) or (ii): (16 marks + 4 SPAG – 22 MINS) “INSERT STATEMENT” How far do you agree [POINT] I would agree that …(WFTQ)…because… [EVIDENCE] Evidence to support this is… [EXPLAIN] This supports the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This means that…. Therefore… [POINT] However I would disagree that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… [POINT] Furthermore I would disagree that …(WFTQ)… because… [EXPLAIN] This refutes the argument that … (WFTQ) …because… This meant that…. [CONCLUSION] In conclusion it is clear that …(WFTQ)… because….